Whheeeeeeeee! Creative Dream Incubator starts Monday!

[IMAGE] She believed she could, so she did.


I want to tell you that Andrea’s work, if you commit to it, is magic.

Honestly Andrea’s understanding of the Alchemy of bringing magic into the world defies description but I go on at every opportunity about how awesome she is and I am big on telling the truth!




We start on Monday!? Just a few days away!? If your soul is calling you to create something in your world – that there is a Creative Dream and this can help you bring it to life, with EASE and JOY.


If you would like to play, make magic + grow dreams with me in 2013, click here to sign up today.

If you sign up today, you can have the whole weekend to get settled in the group and be ready to dive into the deep magics of Creative Dream Incubation on Monday.

If you have any questions about the Creative Dream Incubator, hit reply to this email to send them to me.


Hey, Andrea,I just wanted to write and let you know how amazing the Creative Dream Incubator is being for me.

Crazy-awesome changes keep happening, and obstacles that I thought were surely blocks are just melting away like butter.




Dear Andrea,

I just wanted to write and say thank you thank you thank you for the Creative Dream Incubator.

It changed my life.

I was stuck in fear and resistance and getting buried under an ever expanding pile of self-loathing because of it. And when we got to Module 4…everything shifted. I realized that my fear didn’t mean that my dream was “the wrong one” or that I wasn’t “good enough” or “brave enough” to go for it. I realized that my fear was just…fear. And if I moved through it everything would get better. So I did. And it did! And taking that first step shifted EVERYTHING else.

I meant to keep in touch in the final weeks of the CDI (and to write this sooner)…but everything was MOVING and I was trying to keep up with it. So much was…and is…happening. And it’s amazing.

I feel so different now than I did at the start of the CDI.

I see more magic everywhere. I’m handling setbacks with more calm and determination. I have more faith in my dream. Even my parents have noticed a difference!

Thank you for bringing this beautiful dream of yours into the world. Thank you for your gentle, kind, and supportive presence. You are amazing, and you are doing such important work.

Much love,


You can see what other Creative Dream Incubator graduates have to say about the course right here.



PS: this week’s Creative Dream TV was the best episode yet: all about how to make the path to your dream EASIER, and more fun. If you missed it, watch it now:
