Update 30: Halfway up the mountain

I set a big goal for my business for 2014: to welcome 800 dreamers into my Creative Dream Circle. And to do this not by getting super pushy about selling – but to do this with heart and soul and creativity and joy and LOVE.(you can read my original post about this here)

At this point though, I’m not interested in the numbers. I’ve been more interested in exploring how to grow my capacity serve dreamers in bringing their dreams to life. And now I want to explore more about how I want this all to work for me, and how I want to feel inside it.

In support of this goal, I am writing weekly updates on Fridays, for all of 2014. This is where I’ll share the story of all the ups and downs of bringing a big dream to life.



Last week I just did a quick update because so much was happening.? The more you’ve got going on the more important it becomes to take time to reflect on what’s going on.? Otherwise you end up moving in the direction that outside forces want to lead you in, and not in the direction of your choosing.

These weekly updates are grounding and orienting me on/in the path as I continue to move towards this dream.

What has really changed for me recently is my perspective.?? And it’s changed somewhere deep down inside and it hasn’t quite bubbled up to the surface yet as a clear understanding of what it is, exactly, that has changed.? All I know is that I see everything differently now.? And I like it.

It’s the end of June.? I’m six months into working on this dream, holding it with deep commitment and steady progress. I just wanted to point that out because sometimes I hear people try something once and nothing happens so they give up.? The only way to win is to stay in the game.? And if your dream doesn’t matter enough for you to stay in the game then you’re working on the wrong dream.? When your dream leads you into deeper alignment with your own heart and soul there is never a reason to give up on it.

I am so in love with my dream, with the Creative Dream Circle, and with how it’s changing lives.

Sometimes people join and they’re unsure…

  • they don’t quite believe in themselves
  • there’s this thing that has been stuck and they haven’t known how to un-stick it
  • they’re not sure they know what their dream is
  • they want their dream so bad but they think it could be impossible

And they start using the Circle and everything starts to brighten up.

Or else they join and they’re all lit up and inspired and ready to work on that HUGE and so amazing they can hardly speak its name dream and the Circle works its magic and, miracle of miracles, they get what they wanted.? They get what they really, really wanted!? Do you know how rare that is in our world?

Healing. Transformation. Miracles. I don’t use any of those words lightly.? And I see them happen all the time.? What I have to offer here is really amazing, it’s not like anything else out there and it’s making the world a better place.? I feel protective and nurture-y about the Circle.

I’m feeling more clear about doing what I need to do to take care of this: stronger and clearer boundaries all around. So a few things are going to change.

One thing is that the cost of the Circle is going to increase.

I’m still working out the details of when and how much but this is happening.? When you sign up at the current $100 price, you can stay in the Circle for $100/year for as long as you choose to remain a member.? Even when the price increases your price will stay the same until you cancel your subscription.

The other thing is that my free weekly videos are on hiatus for now.?

There are just other things that need my attention right now.? One thought I have is that those videos may come back in the Circle only.? All I know for sure is that I need permission (from myself!) to not do these right now.

The big change is on the inside.

Over the last few weeks, the experience of connecting with the heart and soul of my dream has totally changed.? Now it shows up as a wheel inside me.? It’s like the dream and I have merged and I am more quickly growing into the me-who-can-hold-this-in-her-energy-field.? This is the best feeling ever.

And onto the Creative Dream Update questions:

What happened in the last week?

The qualities that were helping me on my journey this week were: courage, movement and expansion:

The pic from my Creative Genius Planning Session on Monday, which I wrote about here.? I love my Creative Genius Planning Sessions Kit because it helps me consistently move forward in ways that are healing and nurturing for ALL parts of me (no bulldozing or forcing myself to do shit I don’t want to do) even when I feel doubtful and afraid and can’t see my next steps.

So I’m not just making external progress, I’m growing into who I want to be on the inside (while also making external progress towards creating the life I want to be living).

And I’m still doing tons of mandala drawing:

And I am just really happy: still soaking up the afterglow of the Love Your Life Creative Journal Class (people keep emailing me to ask if they can still get this class if they join the Circle now – the answer is YES. And also – do it!? Loving your life is the BEST) and doing lots of things I love: drawing, journaling, bike rides, park visits, getting lots of sleep and reiki, etc, etc, etc.

The small coaching group for healers/teachers/coaches started and I am 100% in LOVE with everyone in the group.? So amazing gather a group of creative world-changers together and I love how inspiring our first call was.? Plus – the group sold out with hardly any promoting, I am really happy about that.

As a student, I started a new class on marketing, and finished the business class I had been in for the last 3 months.? I am almost always taking a class – I love working with lots of different teachers and mentors.? Feeling inspired and supported.

And I gave the Give Your Dream Wings e-course (my free introductory course) a makeover.? As I was doing that I was re-listening to the videos and holy crap that’s an amazing class.? Simple and effective.? Thinking I may want to do a bit more to promote it.

How do I feel about this?

I’m excited about some new shifts I see happening in my business.? I’m noticing places where I used to hold back, and am not willing to keep holding back.? I’m also seeing places where I’m not doing things as efficiently as I could and feel inspired to CHANGE those things.? Progress!

I’m also feeling this really deep down happiness mixed with trust and light.? It’s like I’ve climbed halfway up the mountain.? I’m feeling amazing from the exercise and fresh air, and already the view is fucking amazing and has transformed my perspective on everything.? And there’s still more mountain to climb so who even knows how much better this is going to get!

What do I need now?

To look at some shifts in my work schedule.? I want more time dedicated to this new class I’m taking – to be implementing everything immediately into my business.? Plus some new ideas are coming to me for things to do inside the Circle, I want some time to explore them.

And I think I need MORE journaling time.

What does my dream need now?

This week my dream is a wheel and it needs me to turn with it.

I think I understand what this means, and that making these shifts in my work schedule are how I start to turn with it.? It’s also a mindset shift though, so my dream needs for me to have more quiet time to myself to be with that and let it sink in.

Taking all this into account, my next mission is:

More journaling. Schedule shifts. Making space for new ways of doing this, letting go of old ways.

Get my free journal for Creative Dreaming:
