Let’s Make Inspiration Cards Together Starts Tomorrow. Are You Thinking Of Joining Us?

If you’re wondering if this is right for you I thought I’d write a little more about it.


This is a class on creative inspiration, that’s Creative In~SPIRIT~ation.

It’s for experienced artists and total non-artists – either way, you will learn delightful & amazing new things.

In order to explore all of the possibilities of Creative In~SPIRIT~ation you’re going to work with an intention for your cards.

This is so you can explore inspiration through the lens of your intention, which, as you will see, teaches you all sorts of wicked cool things about both inspiration and your intention.? Working in this way with inspiration and intention magnifies them both.

The first part of this class is a self-paced series of short, guided, creative meditations and journaling prompts.? This is where you work with your intention for your cards and discover whole new worlds of magic and delight.

You’ll do this work in your own time, and of course you can share your discoveries and insights, and see what other people are learning, in our online classroom.

Because I teach from the intersection of creativity and spirituality, the class is very non-linear and? I’m not going to force you to go in a certain direction. ? You will have your own unique experience and adventure, based on where you’re at, where you’re going and what you need right now.

The beautiful thing about playing with intention in this way is that you get what YOU need from the experience.

Working with inspiration and intention together is very healing and transformative.

The second part is where we scoop up all the things you learned in the first part, and put them onto your gorgeous inspiration cards, so that you can hold onto the magic of it all.

As I said, this is for experienced artists and total non-artists alike.? You’ll get something valuable out of this either way, each group will just approach the second part a little differently.

If you’re an experienced artist you know how to make your cards!? You can look over my suggestions and ideas if you want, but I’m not going to get in your way and tell you how they “should” be done – play and experiment and work your magic and we’ll all cheer you on in the online classroom.

If you’re a total non-artist and aren’t sure if you can make your own cards – I will share so many easy ideas, tips and tricks you’ll be a pro in no time.

This is NOT one of those classes where we all come out with art that looks the same!? I encourage you to find your unique creative voice, not learn how to copy mine.

Even though the art I love to make is very simple & child-like, I have university level education in how to make all kinds of art so I really can answer any questions you’ve got about making your cards.? (I have a degree in fashion design from one of the best design schools in Canada.? As part of my four years as a fashion student, I was taking life drawing, technical drawing and visual communications classes.)

What I WILL NOT share with you are the harsh critiques and “you have to do it this way” attitudes of university level art classes.

Everyone will be celebrated in this class.

It’s about CREATIVE PLAY and INSPIRATION and LEARNING about yourself and CREATING new space inside you for inspiration to live.

It’s going to make you feel inspired and lifted up.? It’s going to help you believe in yourself more.? It’s going to help you find your creative joy.

One last thing: The Circle.

It seems like I have not quite explained this clearly, as I have been getting a lot of emails from people asking if I would run this as a separate class, as they don’t feel ready to sign up for a whole year of stuff.

When I put all of my classes inside the Creative Dream Circle I lowered the price dramatically.? If I ran this class on its own it would be $100.?

This way you pay $100 for this one class – but then you have the option of joining in on anything else I do for the next year without paying anything.? When you join the Circle you get access to the ultimate Smorgasbord Of Dreams.? Feel free to pile your plate high with treats, or just try one or two things.? You’ll find that every item on the menu is worth the cost of the whole Circle, so there’s no pressure to do it all.

You get to pick and choose which of these to play with, to create your very own customized Creative Dream Support Systems.

This isn’t a marketing gimmick.? When I added up the price of each individual thing that I put in the Circle, it was over $1300 – not even including the new classes I am going to keep adding this year.

It takes quite a bit of behind the scenes admin time/energy/money to run each class individually and I really want to simplify everything.? Plus, my work changes people’s lives so I want to make it more accessible.? So, that’s why you get a whole year of stuff.

You can read more about the Inspiration Cards class here.? You can read more about the Creative Dream Circle here.

Get my free journal for Creative Dreaming:
