
Journal Challenge Day 18: Change Made Easy(ier!)

Change is the only thing that is constant about life, and navigating it doesn't seem to get any easier.  Your journal can totally help!

In today's video I'm sharing my process for journaling through change, and dealing with the resistance to change that comes up in times of lots of change.

Creative Dream Success DEMANDS change, so the better you get at navigating change, the easier it gets to bring your dreams to life.


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Journal Challenge Day 10: Money Journaling

Money Journaling

Today is my monthly meeting with money, in my journal.

As you'll see, I don't sit down with a pile of cash or with cash flow projections - money journaling is a soul to soul meeting, to nurture my inner relationship with money.

Doing this money journaling every month is crazy helpful.

Even when it feels like nothing is happening, you ARE developing your inner relationship with money by spending time with it like this, and this WILL open up new possibilities for what you and money can create together.

The Creative with Money Kit that I mentioned comes as a bonus when you join Dream Book.

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Journal Challenge Day 9: How To Cure Crankies (Or Anything Else!) Using Your Journal

Art Journaling for Healing
The downside of doing a 30 day video challenge is that it means that I will have to do a video on My Crankiest Day Of The Month.

But, of course, this is an opportunity to share how to cure crankies using your journal, AKA art journaling for healing, so here it is:

Art journaling for healing is one of my favourite things.

Once you get into the flow with it, it's beautiful and soothing and gentle and effective.

Be gentle with yourself as you experiment with it, it can take some to get used to giving space to how you're actually feeling, and explore more about what you actually need.

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Journal Challenge Day 8: How To Use Your Journal As a Dream-Growing MACHINE

Manifesting dreams into reality with your journal

Manifesting Dreams into Reality: This is what it's all about, right?

Today I sat down with my journal and promptly stumbled into a really common pitfall when it comes to using an art journal as a tool for manifesting dreams into reality... so I immediately stopped to record this video.


One thing I forgot to add to this is that I didn't mean to say to NEVER write about what's happening right now in your journal... stream of consciousness journaling practices like Julia Cameron's morning pages can be super helpful!

What I did mean is that it is helpful to have a separate journal as your creative dream journal, where you can keep your attention focused on holding the vision.

Holding the vision for long enough to bring the dream to life is not easy.

Having a journal where this is ALL you do can really help build up that energy. If you'd like a supportive + encouraging space to play along, filled with all the best tools for accessing + activating your magic join me in the Creative Dream Circle!

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Journal Challenge Day 7: Intuitive Journaling

how to do intuitive journaling

Living your dreams is about living your truth. So learning how to HEAR your inner voice and learning to navigate by your internal compass is a huge part of bringing a dream to life.  That's what I'm talking about today!

Intuitive journaling is about listening.

It may feel frustrating or like nothing is happening, but usually you have to get into the practice of listening before you start to hear anything.

Your intuitive voice is there - I promise.  It's just that if you haven't spent a lot of time listening to it, it takes some time to start to be able to hear it.

Unfortunately the free video about making Creative Genius cards has been lost over the years. I do have a full class on this which you get with the bonuses in Dream Book.

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Journal Challenge Day 6: What To Do With ALL of Those Creative Ideas

Too many ideas?

Creative people get a LOT of ideas! And it's too easy to jump on the inspiration train and invest (your heart, your time, your energy, your attention, your money) in an idea BEFORE you even know for sure if it's going to bring you closer to where you want to be.

Processing your ideas, getting to know them, being clear on where they came from, what qualities and experiences they can bring into your life and if they're going to help you get to where you want to be is a valuable process.

Finding clarity about all of this is PURE MAGIC. It saves time and energy and potential heartbreak.  It helps you shift through too many ideas to find those absolute gems - the best ideas for you to pursue right now.

That's what I was doing in my journal today.

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Journal Challenge Day 5: The Magic of Grounding + Integration

Today I'm talking about the importance of pausing, resting + integrating and how that is NOT the same as "taking a break".

This is part of what makes journaling CREATIVE (ala CREATING your WORLD).

Your art journal practice is going to bring you insights and ideas and when it does you need to give yourself time and space to process, ground and integrate or else nothing is going to change.

Here is the link to the how to draw mandalas post.


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Journal Day 4: Clearing Overwhelm+ Finding Clarity

Using your art journal for dealing with overwhelm

Dealing with overwhelm is not fun.

As a HSP (highly sensitive person) overwhelm is something that I am very familiar with, so of course I have come up with a way to handle it in my art journal.

There's lot in today's video:

  • How your journal can help handle overwhelm.
  • What to do when you don't know what you want or what your dream is.
  • Uncovering + activating more gifts of disappointment.
  • Changing gears.


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