Update 37: Everything is Good

This week I have very little to report.? After seven months of taking a million small steps and transforming fear and dealing with inner ciritcs and making steady progress – everything feels good.

Most of my energy went into preparing for and then recovering from The Magic Journal tele-class on Tuesday. There were some big big energy shifts happening in that class, and it takes a lot of energy to create that kind of experience for people, so it really does take me all week to do a 90 minute class and it really is worth it!

I don’t think people talk enough about that, about the kind of energy it takes to put a truly transformational event together and how much space you need afterwards, as the facilitator, for both recovery and integration.

When I first started doing this kind of work I didn’t realise how much recovery and integration time I needed after.? These days I’m happy that I schedule it in.

I’m exploring ideas for what I want to do next with the Circle. Now that we are nearing 200 members it feels like we’ve got a more solid platform, and that somehow there is more we can do now.

All of the new classes that I added this year (Three Creative Journal Classes: Love Your Life, The Magic Journal and The Superhero Journal, the Mandala Class, the Inspiration Cards Class and the Peaceful Happy Holiday Season Class) were things I really wanted to Circle to have as it grew.

Once I’m finished adding these things, it feels like a whole new world of possibilities opens up for what to do next.

So, right now I’m very excited about that.

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