magnet hands. Call it in.

Build your business your way, in alignment with your values and dreams.

The clearest path to success is BEING YOUR TRUE SELF.

Connected to your TRUE inner power, creativity, imagination, vision and purpose.

This is an older video and the story I shared is true - Joseph Campbell's work was a huge influence on me in the way I shared. However, 10 years later, I now see problematic it is, for a white man to get credit, fame, and wealth from sharing what he learned from Indigenous people. While I can't change my past stories, I can keep working at learning and doing better.

Build your business with soul + creative magic.

I've done a LOT of business classes and coaching. I did need help to learn the basics of how to run a sustainable business - but what's the point of starting YOUR OWN business if you're just following other people's advice?

It was always important to me to run everything I learned through my own intuition and creativity, to find my unique ways of doing things.

This is what has helped me build the Creative Dream Incubator to not just support me financially, but creatively and emotionally as well. It's my dream come true and I get to live in it every day.

The Creative Business Incubator is an in-depth course where I share how I learned to do this.

This course course is a plug-in for the Creative Dream Incubator e-course.

The Creative DREAM Incubator is a master class in the art of healing, growing, and creating your way into your dream.

The Creative BUSINESS Incubator is where you apply all of that to the work of sharing your gifts with the world.

Both of these courses are available only inside Dream Book, my creative dream mastermind. When they were for sale individually, the CDI was $147 and the CBI was $199.

hands holding jar

Your gifts are needed.

Your gifts are a source of light, healing, and vision for a better world.

We live in capitalism and we all need to make money. But money is not the whole point. 

The Creative Business Incubator is every bit as much about shining your light and sharing your unique gifts as it is about making the money you want to male.

Building a business around sharing your unique gifts is quite different from building other kinds of businesses.

You don't want to follow anyone else's rules, you need to be authentic and true to yourself and really serve the people you are here to serve while also being strategic about meeting your goals.

I made the Creative Business Incubator e-course in 2011, at the end of my first year of being full time in this business to share EVERYTHING I'd learned about all of that.

It was a live class, where the participants asked TONS of SMART questions  and then each week I made a video to answer then all - in depth. Those videos are gold. Packed full of tips, inspiration and encouragement for doing this YOUR way. And you do get those videos along with the course material.

And now, after 10 years in business, I am updating the course with some new coaching calls!

YES all calls all be recorded so you don't have to be there live. The private classroom includes a comments section where you can ask questions, even if you can't be on the live calls.

Partnering with the soul of your business

Learning to PARTNER with the soul of your dream is the thing I teach that allows everything else to happen: growing braver than your fears and stronger than your obstacles and making the impossible dreams come true.⁠

I learned this during my 4 years training + interning to become a spiritual teacher. At the time it felt like this esoteric spiritual thing with no real practical application. ⁠

But as I worked with it I realised that this is the MOST practical thing we could ever do. This is the foundation that makes everything else possible.⁠

It works the same way with your business.⁠

Learning to partner with the soul of your business can give you:⁠

✨ Hands down the BEST advice for how to get to where you want to be⁠
✨ Energetic support for working through the hard parts⁠
✨ Magical interventions where the right things happen at the right time ⁠

The Partnering with the Soul of your Business class is happening on April 13.


Business + Boundaries: Creating Space for your Creative Dreams to flourish

The Business + Boundaries: Creating Space for your Creative Dreams to Flourish class is happening live on Zoom on April 28.⁠


Creating and enforcing boundaries is how you create space for a dream to come into your life.⁠

With a business - boundaries become even more important.⁠

The pandemic has made this harder for a lot of us - including me! With my husband suddenly working from home - in MY creative dream space!!!! - I didn't know where the boundaries should be or how on earth I would enforce them.⁠

Done well, boundaries exist to HOLD SPACE.⁠

They can help you be more creative and effective in your work. They can help you achieve bigger goals that you have before. They can help you and your business grow.⁠

Growth, Chaos + Change: Following your own flow in your business

You're in your business for the long haul. Which means your business needs to move with you through life's changes. You're going to grow, you're going to make different choices and choose to change, you're going to experience sudden change, life will be chaotic at times - both your personal life and the world around you.

Doing business in late stage capitalism, during a global pandemic, while facing catastrophic climate change is a bit much sometimes.

Facing change in business - whether you decide to make a change or change is foisted upon you - can feel really scary and uncertain. But it's in these moments that I believe we have the best access to new possibilities.

These times force you out of routine and into a new level of trusting your creative flow. And that's where you find your creative magic - that inner POWER to create your outer life in alignment with your (ever-evolving) inner truth.

The Growth, Chaos + Change: Following your own flow in your Business class is happening on May 13.

Creative Business Incubator