Hello! I'm Andrea

I’m Andrea Schroeder. I would love to support you in making your creative dreams HAPPEN.

I created The Creative Dream Incubator because I believe in a better future for everyone and I know our creative dreams can help show us the way there.

My training is as a spiritual teacher/counsellor/healer and fashion designer, but these days I coach and teach journaling and meditation for navigating the space between where you are and where you want to be. I help people make their creative dreams HAPPEN.

I have been running an online membership site consistently since August 2012 (!!) holding space for creative dreamers (most of our members are artists, healers, therapists, coaches and activists) in the daily (inner and outer) work of following their creative dreams.

I'm so grateful to be doing this work with such amazing people, and would love to see YOU join us.

Get my free guided journal for Creative Dreaming!

You Are The Magic is a 36 page Guided Journal for Creative Dreaming that will have you seeing your dream in a whole new light.

You'll get insightful prompts and powerful new ways to approach your dreams. Give this journal 10 days and it will give you a powerful new way of working with your dreams.

Already did the free journal?

Read on to find out about the Creative Dream Coaching Membership. Let's make your creative dreams HAPPEN together!

Hey! If you’re looking for Dream Book, you’re in the right place! Dream Book is evolving into The Creative Dream Incubator Coaching Membership - so the Dream Book program is still a part of the membership. You just get MORE now, for the same price.

Creative Dream Incubator Coaching Membership

The Creative Dream Incubator Coaching Membership is an alchemical container for growth, healing, creativity + magic.

Together, we will make your dream a reality.

Heart with flowers


Creative Dreaming is not self improvement. It’s self ACTUALIZATION.

You’re not chasing a goal, you are following your soul’s calling.

Your dream is sacred. It is here to guide you along the path of becoming who you really are.

Which is so beautiful…. when it’s not fucking brutal.

Your dream is here to GROW and HEAL you - which means it will push you headfirst into the things you’d rather avoid in the spirit of making the changes you know you need to make and doing the work of supporting yourself in creating your most magical life.

You are never going to find the path laid out in front of you, because your path is yours to build.

You have to figure out every part of it.

And.. you GET TO figure out every part of it! This is creative freedom! The ability to chart your own course. To do everything ✨your way✨.

It’s freeing and inspiring and frustrating and terrifying all at once.

The Creative Dream Incubator Coaching Membership gives you a compass, map-making AND path-building tools, a light on the path and ongoing support for your journey.

It gives you the benefits of coaching support (more confidence to overcome challenges and achieve your dreams) WITHOUT:

  🚫 the cost of ongoing one-on-one sessions or expensive masterminds

  🚫 the “good vibes only” spiritual by-passing

  🚫 the drill sargeant style coaching “just get your ass in the chair and get to work”

  🚫 invalidating your feelings of fear, doubt and uncertainty

  🚫 asking you to override your inner knowing about how you want to do things

You also get the added benefits of creative dreaming in community, the inspiration and healing that come from sharing your journey with people who are cheering for you at every step along the way and the magic of learning from other people’s perspectives as you witness their journeys.

And any time you hit a hard part - you’ll have someone to turn to.

The Creative Dream Incubator Coaching Membership costs $33USD/month*

Or make a BIG commitment to your dreams, sign up for a whole year for $363 USD and get 1 month free.

That is not an indication of the value! I just really want to make this work as accessible as possible and it simplifies my business immensely to offer everything in one like this.

Using just ONE of the tools you get in the membership will give you your money’s worth every month in support and progress towards your dream.

*Yes, it's a subscription. There is a cancel button right in your account, you don't have to send an awkward email or anything - you are free to cancel your membership any time.

“I’ve actually accomplished more and received more clarity in the last 4 weeks with you than I have in the past 4 years going it alone!”

Carrie Anspach

Dirty Girl Pottery

Who is the Creative Dream Incubator Coaching Membership for?

The membership is full of artists, healers, coaches, therapists, writers, and people who are figuring out who they want to be. While there is some content specifically for that overlapping space between creative dreams and creative businesses, not everyone is working on "business dreams".

The Creative Dream Incubator Coaching Membership works best for people who define themselves as creative in some way, and have some kind of spiritual life or connection to their inner world. People who enjoy taking time to reflect and explore the inner and outer aspects of themselves and their dreams.

We’re not looking for some kind of guaranteed three step system or a magic bullet. We’re digging in and doing the work. This work includes facing the hard stuff: both inside and outside of you. AND this work includes finding ways to make the hard stuff as gentle as possible.

We recognize that we don't dream in a vacuum, we dream in the world. We talk about the difficulties of living and dreaming in a racist, sexist, colonialist, capitalist world (and all the ways that dominant culture tells us who to be) as climate collapse is happening around us. So this works best for people who are not looking to spiritual bypass any of this, or pretend it doesn't exist.

“I’ve actually accomplished more and received more clarity in the last 4 weeks with you than I have in the past 4 years going it alone!”

Carrie Anspach

Dirty Girl Pottery

dream moth

A unique approach to creative dreaming that allows you to receive the insight you need, when you need it.

We work from the belief that your answers are inside you. Your dream is your soul calling, so you can access spiritual support and inner gifts for making it real.

You are braver, and stronger, than you think. As long as you keep showing up you WILL figure this out.

Ongoing coaching calls (with replays!) to keep you feeling clear, confident, and encouraged on your path.

Your dreams are always pushing you to face the things you’d least like to face. This is ridiculously difficult to do on your own. Come do it with me, we are stronger together. And I'll give you some fantastic tools for navigating the obstacles.

Plus you get 24-7 Access to a library of coaching calls, healing circles and online courses so you are ready to face ANY obstacle that comes up.

Some of the more recent calls are:  Exploring your Post-Pandemic Self, Habits Upgrade, Feeling Worthy of your Dreams, Having a Stable Relationship With Money When The World Is Unstable, Structure, Habits, Routines, Slow the fuck down! BE as powerful, creative + magnetic as you ARE and Exploring Resistance and Creative Flow.

The beauty of doing this work in community, and using replays from live calls, is that you don’t just get my teachings and processes - you get to hear how other people experience it.

Healing, transformation and manifesting are WILDLY non-linear processes. So, I can share a healing process but each person in the group will interpret and experience it in their own way. By hearing from people on the replay about their experience - you gain new perspectives. It validates the idea that everyone’s experience is unique and there is no one way to do this work.

There is BIG magic in doing this work in community in this way - even via replays.

An abundance of effective tools for working with your dreams so you never have that “I don’t know what to do next” feeling.

If anything you'll have too many options for what to do next... sometimes people have to email me to ask which one they should work with because they don't know what to choose. And that's good! Helping you get the most out of your membership is my job, so I am happy to do this! There is a contact form right on the main page where you can email me anytime.

You get a whole library of simple but effective tools for transforming your “stucks” - like fear, self doubt, procrastination and disappointment - into FUEL for your journey.

And you get the DREAM BOOK program! An approach to Creative Dreaming that will help you navigate your path with more CLARITY and CONFIDENCE.

Dream Book is THE MOST in-depth journaling and meditation course on navigating the inner + outer work of making your dream happen.

The course is designed so that each thing you learn is immediately applied to your life and your dreams - step by step, you keep gaining more CLARITY and COURAGE for navigating your own path.

It's A LOT of material, broken down into small lessons. The content feels less like a class, and more like on-going mini healing sessions and life coaching for your dream.

"This, THIS, is why Dream Book is such genius program: Simultaneously connecting me with the essence of my biggest dream and solving the most mundane next step towards it. Thank you."

Meliors, The Holistic Tooth Fairy, www.holistictoothfairy.com


How much easier would it be to make your dream HAPPEN with consistent and effective support?

No one has ever made a big dream real on their own. But most of us don’t have a lot of supportive people around us. Or we have people around us who support us, but they don’t actually know how to help us make this thing happen.

Joining the Creative Dream Coaching Membership gives you instant support and that felt sense that YOU ARE NOT ALONE IN THIS, which is magic.

Plus you get access to ALL of the dream-growing tools I’ve created while running the Creative Dream Incubator for the last 13+ years! Just send me an email any time, let me know what you’re facing with your dream - and I will make recommendations for what to work with. (There’s a contact form on the main page of our website, so it’s always easy to reach out to me. I want to hear from you!)

The times when we actually FEEL READY to make a significant change are pretty rare. What would happen if you just DIVE IN RIGHT NOW?

Time and time again, members have told me that they wanted for months or years to join, and then once they joined they realised how much better it would have been to join sooner.

NOW is the time.

If you’re not ready… the coaching membership will help you get ready much more quickly than you would do on your own.

Your dream is waiting for YOU to come true. Your dream came to you because you are ready, now.

Here is what's included in the Creative Dream Incubator Coaching Membership:

magnet hands

Group Coaching Circles! Attend live or work with the replays.

A steady stream of dream-growing inspiration and support. Even if you can't nee there live and work with the replays you’ll start to see your dreams, your self, and your life in a whole new light! There is space to share your thoughts and ask questions in the comments so we can discuss things even if you're not there live.

A monthly New Moon Intention Setting Call for setting short-term goals and generating momentum for The Big Dreams.

A monthly Marketing As A Creative + Spiritual Practice Call for mapping out your unique way of sharing your gifts with the world.

A weekly Creative Dream Incubator Coaching Call for bringing some consistency, support and momentum to the wild (inner and outer) journey of building the path that leads to your dream. (New! Starting April 26 until July 26, 2024)

And more calls as needed! Whenever there is a topic that feels important I schedule an extra call.

The Genius Dream Book Journaling System

A unique way of journaling for documenting your process of healing + growing your way into your dream WHILE ALSO creating a map that shows you how to get to where you want to be. New content is released every month in the first year.

Library of Creative Dream Alchemy Tools to help you work through any rough spots you hit - literally.

There are tools that you can use, right in the moment, overcoming all sorts of obstacles like procrastination, self doubt, fear as well as external obstacles. Creative Dream ALCHEMY speaks to the work of transforming obstacles into fuel for the journey.

You'll become an EXPERT at getting yourself un-stuck.

hands holding jar

Special bonus! You'll also get access to my entire library of e-courses - the NETFLIX of creative dream e-courses.

I've been teaching since 2008 and creating online classes since 2011! You'll get 24-7 access to all of my best classes, including favourites like:

Project Miracle: a 30 day program for calling in the breakthrough you need right now.

Focus Pocus: a 21 day program for getting focused and making remarkable progress.

Creative With Money: a deep-dive healing program for creating a whole new inner relationship with money.

Creative Business Incubator: an in-depth program I made with everything I learned when I made the shift into doing this work full time.

... Plus so many other programs and tools I can't list them all here. I did put them together on this page, if you want to check it all out.

“I’m one of those people who used to think that I didn’t have enough time or money to participate in something like this.

I realize now that thinking I didn’t have enough time or money was just an excuse. It was kind of tied into not believing in my own self worth, like I shouldn’t spend the money or take time away from my kids to do this because it was silly and it wasn’t going to cause a change in my life so what’s the point.

That was just my inner critic talking, I realize now, and boy was my inner critic wrong! This HAS changed my life!”

Melody Flurry

The Creative Dream Incubator Coaching Membership Guarantee:

When you join the group - you’ve got me on your side. I share ALL of my tools and I am HERE, helping you use them.

When you join, you’ll get emails that guide you through the process of setting up your Dream Book which also shows you around the membership site and how to use all the tools.

These emails work beautifully for some people… and they don’t work AT ALL for other people. If you find they don’t work for you - send me an email and you and I will figure out a plan that works for you.

As long as you keep showing up, the support is here.

Most of the programs that are available in the membership site I made for specific problems that members were facing.

I am HERE, I am ON YOUR SIDE and I am WORKING AS YOUR COACH. This isn’t the kind of membership site where you just get access to classes and the occasional live call. This is a COACHING membership. When you join, we are working together on your dreams. Any time you get stuck or aren't sure what to do next - you'll have someone to turn to.

"Dreambook is helping me to show up for my dream, to keep connecting with my dream and to take actions that are in line with my dream.

Another thing I personally really need to be able to live my dream, and that Dreambook provides, is structure. For me Dreambook is about creating my own structure to do the necessary inner work, outer work and dream work to be able to walk my path.

By sending me reminders Andrea helps me to do this work, even (or especially) when I am stuck and procrastinating.

By working with Dreambook my dream is actually coming true, step by step."”

Eefje Jansen,

Atelier Eefje Jansen, www.eefje-jansen.com

“I listened to you when you said that this would change things, would shift energy and would change me. But I don’t think I believed you.

I believe you now. Your classes have changed things, shifted energy and changed me: profoundly.”

Sheila Petruccelli

Sure As The World .com

Here's what you'll need:

  • A computer or mobile device with an internet connection to access video lessons and meditations and download worksheets.
  • A journal: ANY kind of notebook, whatever you like to use. I do suggest something on the larger side, like printer paper sized, to give you enough space for the processes you'll be doing. But of your muse prefers a smaller notebook then by all means!
  • Some time every week: how much time is ENTIRELY up to you. 1-2 hours a week is ideal, but if you have less time you can still use the time you have to make progress with your dream. A lot of us find that when we spend more time doing the Dream Work, we actually end up more productive with the Outer Work. And in all honestly - even just giving your dream 1 hour or less a week moves you forward so much faster than "waiting to have enough time" ever will.
  • OPTIONAL: printer, scissors + glue for printing out the printables and glueing them into your journal. If you're not a printables person you can use my worksheets as guides and just do the work in your journal. There are also printable bundles with a whole month's worth of printables, which makes it easier to print everything at once, if you are using a print shop.

hand holding butterfly

Join us today! Within the first month you'll be seeing your self, your dreams and your possibilities in a whole new light.

The Genius Dream Book Journaling System for documenting your process of healing + growing your way into your dream WHILE ALSO creating a map that shows you how to get to where you want to be. New content is released every month in the first year.
Ongoing group coaching calls and access to replays. A steady stream of dream-growing inspiration and support.
Library of Creative Dream Alchemy Tools to help you work through any rough spots you hit - literally. There are tools that you can use, right in the moment, overcoming all sorts of obstacles. You'll become an EXPERT at getting yourself un-stuck.
Special bonus! Access to my entire library of e-courses - the NETFLIX of creative dream e-courses. Including favourites like: Project Miracle, Focus Pocus and The Creative Business Incubator.

The Creative Dream Incubator Coaching Membership costs $33USD/month.

Or make a BIG commitment to your dream and sign up for a whole year for $363 USD and get 1 month free.

YES, it is a subscription but there is a “cancel” button in your account which you can use to cancel any time. No waiting period, no awkward emails to send.

You are free to come and go! Plenty of our members join when they need extra support for their dreams, leave when they feel like they’ve got things handled, and then come back when they start dreaming of new things.

I would love to work with you make your creative dreams HAPPEN.

Inside the membership you get live calls with me. But if the call times don’t work (they are usually at 1:pm Central, North America as this seems to reach most of the world - we have regular attendees from North America, Europe and New Zealand) you can leave comments on our private website or email me any time!

I am not one of these “four hour workweek internet business people”. I LOVE this work and want to help you succeed.

If you have any questions at all - just email me right here. I’m happy to help you figure out if this is a good fit for you.

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