hands holding jar

Being confused is actually a part of the process.  When you step out of the known into the un-known things are bound to be foggy.

So feeling confused is not a bad sign!!!

But feeling confused is uncomfortable and it’s ok to not want to stay there.

And sometimes a lack of clarity can be a sign that you are avoiding something important because your fears, doubts and limiting beliefs have lots of space to hide in the fog. So you want to work with your confusion and bring in clarity.

Here's how the Creative Dream Incubator can help:

This is a part of the Map of the Creative Dream Circle. The linked content will only be accessible to Circle members.

DREAM BOOK! This is where you create a regular practice that supports you in going deeper and deeper into your process of growth and healing. With Dream Book I give you LOTS to do, so it doesn’t matter how foggy you feel you can still show up for Dream Book and the weekly journaling + alchemy kits – and this work WILL move you towards clarity.

Specifically inside Dream Book – check out the Alchemy Wheels for Dream Work, Inner Work and Outer Work.

You can bring your confusion into the Un-Sticking Station to learn more about how to transform it.

The Crazy Smart Wisdom Councils a process for connecting with your intuitive wisdom – bring your confusion in and see what you learn about it.

The Dream Plan Kit helps you make plans from a place of connection to your intuition and to the heart and soul of your dream.

Participating in the daily mastermind posts helps you stay more grounded and steady on the path and the practice of weekly reflection works like magic to help you fine-tune your plans over time.

The How to tell fear from intuition class can help sort out what’s going on.

The Choosing + Setting Your Intention Class can help you narrow in on what you want to focus on now.

If you work through the whole Creative Dream Incubator with the dream of finding clarity you’ll learn a lot about where you get confused and how to set things up so you have more clarity more often.

The Treasure Mappingclass can help you map out a path through your confusion towards clarity.

You can create Creative Genius Cards to help you remember important things.  It’s easy to lose the insights you get from inner work and then move back towards confusion.  Working with Creative Genius cards helps you hold onto your clarity.

The Creative Dream HOLYdayis a deep-dive into connecting with the heart and soul of your dream.  Spending this time in deep connection creates space for clarity to come in.

Your membership give you access to ALL of my classes - the Netflix of Creative Dreams!

They are all listed on your personal dashboard which shows you how much of each class you have completed (that feature only works if you are using the check boxes to check off your progress as you work through the lessons).

This map, which is really an index, helps you find a class based on what you want to explore and gives some tips + ideas for different ways of working with the material depending on what you want to do.

If you have NO TIME FOR THIS: Check out Quick + Simple Ways to Connect With Your Dream

If you are TOO OVERWHELMED FOR THIS: Check out Space-Making: For When You're Too Overwhelmed To Begin


*Does not include mediations from Project Miracle, which just felt like they needed to stay grouped together inside that program. You can find ALL of the Project Miracle meditations here.


For when things are bad:

Creative Genius Planning Session (CGPS)

CGPS: When you have 2 things competing for your attention

CGPS: When you have obstacles

CGPS: When life gets in the way

CGPS: When you need a gentle start

CGPS: When you have no clue what to do

CGPS: When you feel scattered

The Un-Sticking Station (use this when you are stuck or afraid)

For When You're Avoiding The Un-Sticking Station

Feeling Worthy Of Your Dreams

Breakthrough Alchemy Coaching Circle

Sitting With Uncomfortable Feelings

Working With Conflicting Feelings

Having a stable relationship with money when the world is unstable 

The Obstacle Is The Way Through

For When You Feel Self Doubt (with journaling sheet)

Self Doubt Relief (with journaling sheet) (different from the other Self Doubt one, just to have options)

Inner Critic Fix (with journaling sheet)

Procrastination Cure (with journaling sheet)

For When You Are Overwhelmed (with journaling sheet)

For When You're In Resistance 

For Letting Something Go

When You Feel Disappointment (three different videos, with journaling sheets)

Bolstering Your Sense Of Courage

Coming Back To Yourself

When You're Ready To Get To Work Then You Get Stuck

Making Your Trust In Your Dream Bigger Than Your Fear

Yikes! I Am Having A Lot Of Feelings (with journaling sheet)

From the Creative Dream Incubator: Facing Fears

From the Creative Dream Incubator: Positive Energy Shower

Energy Clearing

Anything is possible

It's OK (A soothing meditation for when things don't feel ok)

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