The gifts of resistance [Weekly Dream Status Report]

Note: This is a post about my daily practice with my Creative Dreams - I often link to the tools, courses and processes I use which are available to Dream Book members. If you're not a member, find out more + join us here.

On Fridays I do my Dream Status Report which is a series of prompts I use every week to help me have more clarity, momentum and groundedness on my path. You can do them with me (Dream Book members: come post yours in the forum!)!

I know doing the same prompts every week can be annoying sometimes but this is magically clarifying. The repetition helps you go deeper into the process and makes it easier to LEARN from your process as you go, and the apply those learnings right away.

Here are the prompts:

PART ONE: (sometimes these can stay the same for months at time, sometimes they change often)

My dream is:  

I want it because: 

When I have it I will feel:


Invite your dream in (using the Dream Lab practice) to help you with the rest of the prompts.


My goal/wish/intention for this New Moon is:

Last week’s focus was:

What happened in the last week?

What am I learning/How do I feel about this?

What do I need now?

What does my dream need now?

Taking all of this into account, my focus for the next week is:

My Dream Status Report for this week:


My dream is: Being the artist + writer I want to be. For a while now a lot has been shifting around how much/what kind of art I want to make and working on creating more nourishing/robust/lively local creative community. And right now I am in this liminal space after separating from my husband, so my dreams for this fall and winter are to really BE IN this space, and call in: quiet, calm, healing, space for all the feelings, serious self care, and lots of art projects. And I am also dreaming of having more structure and focus in my work life. Feeling clear about HOW I want to do things (I already know WHAT I want to do)

I want it because: Divorce is a new beginning. Of course there are a lot of uncomfortable feelings being stirred up but there are also all these new possibilities and I want to explore them, I want to explore who I can be next.

When I have it I will feel: Right now, because everything feels unsettled and uncertain, I'd love to feel a sense of stability.

My new moon intention: Healing and expansion.


Invite your dream in (using the Dream Lab practice) to help you with the rest of the prompts.

It's a gentle, warm light. Feels soothing and reassuring.


Last week’s focus was: I don't want to leave that "tap into the healing powers of glowing radiance" (from the week before) behind. I want that to be the "theme" or guiding light of being more committed to my practice, and going deeper into it. The words feel clunky but I feel how it feels and will follow that feeling.

What happened in the last week? 

This was a hard week. SO MUCH RESISTANCE. SO MUCH FEAR. My step-son has been in the hospital for 5 weeks, it was such a shock when it happened, on top of the shock of my husband leaving, this week I feel like I started to accept a lot of this "like ok this is where we are". And then the state of the world being so heartbreaking too.

Though yesterday was a great day and I looooooved the Structure Habits Routines call we did, it felt so healing and helpful.

Oh! And I re-arranged my studio again. The last re-arrangement only felt good for a short time and I realized that I needed to move things around again. This re-arrangement feels much more spacious.

We got so creative about how we create structure and routine during that call. And then in the re-arrangement I was trying to figure out where to put my printer (the old place didn't make sense now) and I was going to put it in this place where I had my perfume. And it's like - why is my perfume even here? And where does my perfume want to be?

Well, my perfume wants to be on my new Dream Altar! Then whenever I go put it on, I connect with the soul of my dream and put on WITH INTENTION (beyond "I love this scent and want to smell like it all day"). Still working out the details, but making "putting on perfume" a part of connecting with my dreams and my intentions for the day feels really good.

What am I learning/How do I feel about this?

I did SO MUCH WORK with resistance and fear and here I am, having moved a lot of that. Everything feels lighter and more possible.

Also, all this work on structure, habits and routines had me wondering why I feel so lost in all of this - well I see it now - my spouse left. So much of my structure, habits and routines were connected to him. Of course it's daunting to re-build ALL OF IT at once. And it's also freeing to re-build it all in a way that suits only me and considers only my needs and preferences.

What do I need now?

Two weeks ago I wrote: Focus on self care. Work on creating the lists/structure/organization that make it easier to also do the things I want to do.

This is still the same. I am making progress but everything is a mess and it's taking the time it takes. And I am making progress around accepting that it's a mess.

What does my dream need now?

I go back into the meditation and the warm light of my dream envelops me in a hug. My dream just wants to support me.

Taking all of this into account, my focus for the next week is:

Focus on self care. Work on creating the lists/structure/organization that make it easier to also do the things I want to do.

Come dream with us
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