There are SO MANY healings and insights available right now.

This week my dream showed me the path that leads from where I am today, to where I want to be.

The part where I am now is full of waves.

My dream was quick to clarify "Those are WAVES, those aren't bumps. The path is wavy, not bumpy."

I got that that felt important to my dream, but I didn't understand it, so it continued...

"They are waves of healing for you, but also waves as in: the ground is at an incline which changes your perspective to generate the insights you need."

Oh yeah, I see it now.

A wavy path is way better than a bumpy path, which is what it has been feeling like lately.

What changes when I remember that the bumps are waves?

I slow down.

I question where the thought "You are doing this all wrong" is actually coming from and find, each and every time, that it's not my truth.

I stop pushing so hard against the thing that's not working - or in the language of my dream, I stop treating a wave like a bump.

Which helps me make space to RECEIVE healing and insights that the wave has to offer.

Which then usually means I slow down even more.

This "THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE AND I'M JUST STUCK AND IT SUCKS" feeling mellows out and I start to see more clearly and inner and outer obstacles that are stopping me from doing what I want to do. And I start to see ways to face and move through each obstacle.

There are SO MANY healings and insights available right now.

I would say TOO MANY but my dream reminds me "This is what you need to get to the next part"

After over ten years of this work being my full time job - it STILL surprises me sometimes, how the path is not what we think it will be.

I've been seeing my next steps as being all about the outer work, all about these shifts and changes I want to make to my business and new projects I want to take on.

But my dream shows me that this is ALL ABOUT honouring my own truth and inner guidance in ways that make me uncomfortable right now.

Your dream is here to guide you into your best future.

We all need this guidance so much right now.

I mean personally and also collectively.

Our dreams can put us onto the right path, personally and collectively.

I'm so glad I made Dream Book BEFORE the Pandemic started.

I HAVE NEEDED THIS WORK SO BADLY to help me get through this time. My dreams have had so much advice and healing to offer me lately because I have needed so much advice and healing.

Dream Book is a sturdy container for doing the work of understanding what your dream is trying to teach you, and growing in the ways that your dream is trying to grow you.

Each person gets something different out of it, because each of us has a unique path.

It seems complicated but it's not.

Your dream is always calling you towards your True Self.

Towards your healing and growth and the fullest brightest expression of who you are. Your dream is showing you ways to bring all of this into your life. There are many facets and each of them has the potential to help you heal and grow to be able to move towards the next one.

Your dream does have the power to turn your bumps into waves.

Join us here and find our what your dream has for you.

There are SO MANY healings and insights available right now.

Get my free journal for Creative Dreaming:
