Opening up my practice.


The heart and soul of Grow Your Depth Nurture Your Brilliance has asked me to start sharing my weekly updates for the Sharing Circles we do every Friday, right here on my blog.

I’m a little unsure about this as I share the really personal stuff in those updates -I don’t want to start censoring myself out of awareness that the updates are public and I don’t want to be writing 2 sets of updates.? Plus, I don’t want to explain everything behind how we do what we do with these updates here on my blog – all of that is inside the classroom.? So I’m not sure how much sense this is going to make to my blog readers.

So I’m really not sure what to do, but I do know that it’s important to work WITH the essence of?Grow Your Depth Nurture Your Brilliance and not assume that I always know best and that I should always do what I want.

And good things always come from this space of doing something that I don’t know how to do, so here I am.

The heart and soul of my intention for?Grow Your Depth Nurture Your Brilliance shows up as:

Bright white light with a tinge of lavender. (Ha! That’s what my hair looks like right now as I’ve been adding just a little purple dye to my conditioner)

The light feels really strong, like stronger than me.? Often when things feel stronger than me I have a hard time trusting them (Hello! I like to be in charge!), but I can trust this light to know the path better than I do.

I am Growing My Depth.? This week my practice was:

This week my practice had a lot to teach me.? The past few weeks have been so rough, with discovering things I didn’t want to discover.? I was so grateful that this week we found sturdier ground.

I guess it’s like the last few weeks I’ve just come up with lots of questions and learning a lot about where I’m stuck and even finding places where I didn’t realise I was stuck but it turns out I definitely am.

This week I was finding so many answers and learning a lot about how to transform the stucks.

I really like being in this part.

And I made myself a new Inspiration Card, which was part of my homework from last week’s Sharing Circle update:

It was about remembering to love and enjoy the process.? The message came out as “Welcome It” which reminds me to welcome whatever shows up, and honour the fact that the thing that shows up is always the right thing.

I am Nurturing My Brilliance.? This week things in my outer world were:

Following the ideas that came out of my practice, I shifted things around a bit with my routines and schedule.? The essence of what I want is delicious creative engagement and I’m letting that energy help me find what is right for me.

I love having all of the freedom that I have as a creative entrepreneur, but freedom means responsibility for setting things up in the best way for myself.? This feels like something that I just keep exploring and learning more about, and not like something that I’m eventually going to figure out and be done with.? What I need is continually changing.

REALLY GOOD NEWS: I got inspired to start a new project, a project I’ve been dreaming about for a few years but it always felt too big/impossible to start until now.

I do see how the energy to start now is coming directly from the work I’ve been doing in my Grow Your Depth practice.? This makes me feel so happy and grateful to be doing this work.

I am so excited to be doing this project!? I’m giving it a few hours every afternoon and am stunned at the progress I’m making.? It feels like these past few years as I’ve been dreaming about it I’ve been fueling it, because it’s coming together ridiculously smoothly.

And even though I didn’t really feel ready and wasn’t sure how to start, I started by just playing around and after a few days I found creative flow and direction.? I know what I’m doing now!

I also found a new sense of flow in skating!? I’m better/faster/smoother and enjoying it even more.? Making sunset skates on the river a daily thing is a pretty amazing way to enjoy the winter.

I am so delighted by how this has transformed how I experience winter.? Being super present and loving the cold and the short days instead of just waiting for Spring is a miracle.

The other thing that I want to talk about I definitely feel too shy to post on my blog – it’s the “sad situation” I’ve been writing about inside the Circle which has spun off into a new adventure.

The sad situation remains sad, but this week I did more to take my power back from it.? I’m still doing energy work of disconnecting from it and also giving my sadness lots of space in my practice so I can understand what it needs for healing and transformation.? Still learning so much about my own patterns there and where I want to open up new possibilities.

The new adventure that spun off from the sad situation is going so well!? I feel like I’m seeing things more clearly (thanks to the last few weeks of having the things I didn’t want to look at show up in my practice) and am able to navigate this path in a way that feels true to me.

It feels important that I remember:

That I can always trust my practice to bring me what I need.

Answers, ideas, energy – whatever.? My practice helps me mine my own depths.? By showing up consistently I can trust that I’ll have whatever resources I need for whatever I want to do.

(Impossible dreams can become projects that I start working on and the whole process can be delightful.)

Now I need:

There is a part of me that is really holding onto the sad situation, even though there are more parts of me who are working on letting it go.? Being in conflict with myself like this is not working for me.? It’s like I’m doing the work of letting go because I know that’s what good for me for it’s not what I want.

So, looks like I need more time in the Un-Sticking Station this week.? I know I can’t move forward in a clean way while I am conflicted.

My intention needs:

My intention asked me to start doing something new this week, and I’m doing it.? A new morning ritual of connecting with the essence of the thing I’m working on to help me enter the day in a state of deep connection with the purpose behind the thing.

I love this!? I feel so much calmer and sure-er and more connected to my deepest purpose, all day.

My intention needs me to keep doing this, and to be open to how this may change everything else.

Each week we have an extra journaling prompt, usually based on the new?Grow Your Depth Nurture Your Brilliance content from that week.

This week we’re exploring the concept of holding – holding new energy patterns in place so that we can start to live from them.? What thoughts, feelings and/or ideas came to mind as you read about holding?

I find it super empowering, even when I’m doing a really bad job of holding. Because it reminds me that I’m the leader of the process so I always have the power to do better.

And my experience with holding has shown me that it doesn’t matter if I do a bad job or a good job, all that matters if that I show up.? The times when I’m doing a particularly bad job with it are often the times that have the most growth and magic to them.

Also I think about all of the beautiful patterns that I hold without effort.? Effortless holding!? So many things that used to seem impossible for me to have are now a normal part of my life.? This helps me soften my disbelief about the things that feel impossible right now.


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