A settled nervous system + a peaceful heart

I am dreaming of a settled nervous system and a calm heart.

I know two things about how I DON’T want to approach this dream:

1. By ignoring the state of the world

2. By giving up on all of my creative dreams

Creative Genius Planning is happening live on Instagram on Monday March 7 at 10 am Central <-- tomorrow

We’re going to do more of a self care meditation this week because it’s much harder to make anything good happen when we are unsettled.

There’s a new love alchemy meditation I have been experimenting with and I am excited to share it. It’s helping me soothe the places in me that are being traumatized/triggered/all freaked out about what’s happening in the world right now. Which gives me better ideas for how I want to respond.

Without this work, it’s easy for me to go into a freeze response and feel there is nothing I can do.

But that’s not true.

I hope you’ll join me for this on Monday - either live or with the replay.

If you go to my Instagram profile on your phone, you can tap the notification to set a reminder to join me.

The last two years have made things really hard for dreamers.

It's really easy right now to zoom over into spiritual bypass, or to fall into despair.

Neither of these approaches are going to help you create what you want in your life.

Because this is all such a challenge right now, I am offering extra classes in Dream Book.

On March 11 we're doing HABITS UPGRADE:

Without judging any of the habits you've got going on right now how can we shift towards more helpful habits? Or even - TRANSFORMATIVE habits? Healing habits? Up-leveling habits?

We'll create habits that make your heart sing. Habits that are a DELIGHT to actually do. Habits that make everything better right now AND move you along the path to a better future.

Then Creative With Money is happening March 15:

We’ll do a deep dive into your relationship with money and re-wire it to make more space for whatever it is you need right now.

There will be ah-hahs and shifts and the glowing sense of feeling more free inside your life.


These are both a part of your Dream Book membership for March.

Find out more + join us here.

A settled nervous system + a peaceful heart

Get my free journal for Creative Dreaming:
