Podcast interview: Holding a positive vision while the world is falling apart

Angel Sullivan and I had ✨the most✨ amazing talk about holding a positive vision for the future while the world is falling apart.

This is especially for artists, teachers, therapists, coaches, healers, etc - the people who are offering inspiration and support, which really is tricky when the world keep becoming more and more chaotic AND ALSO this work is needed now, more than ever.

So many in the new age/wellness are turning towards total spiritual bypass - just look at the positive, turn off the "mainstream news", and "know" that everything that is happening is happening for the positive transformation of the world.

There are two things I want to highlight:

1. If all you do is focus on your own corner, lifting up yourself and those like you - you are unconsciously leaning into your privilege and any solutions you generate are only going to be for you, and people who are as privileged as you are.

WE CANNOT CHANGE THE WORLD WITHOUT INTERSECTIONALITY. All we can do is keep re-creating the systems of oppression that we already live in. It's time to do better.

2. YOU HAVE THE POWER TO HELP CHANGE THE WORLD. We all do. It's going to take everyone. It's really easy to feel like you are too small to change anything. But stay present with everything - because you ARE too small to change anything BY YOURSELF but together, we can do this.

It's almost an hour long, so make a fresh cuppa and watch it here.

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