The Creative Dream HOLYday: A creative/spiritual retreat, a healing/transformation session and a magic playdate with your dream.


A?day of?healing and magic?to leave you feeling so excited about your dream and so in love with possibility that you are actually glowing with the magic of it all.

(I mean I can?t promise you?ll glow but when I?ve done this in the past, this is what participants tell me happens for them)

You?ll get:

?* Two tele-classes (attend live online or on the phone or work with the recordings) where I lead you through creative energy alchemy processes to create a deep internal connection to your dream, your magic and your infinite possibilities, leaving you feeling inspired and sure of yourself.

?* A playbook to play with what you learn in the tele-classes, taking the process deeper into your unique relationship with your dream and leaving you crystal clear about what you can do next to grow your dream.

The answers are already inside of you.? This will help you find them.

The Creative Dream HOLYday virtual retreat/ healing/transformation session/magic playdate is FREE for all Creative Dream Circle members.

It?s happening live on Saturday, January 9, 2016 with calls at 11am and 2pm (Central, North America).

It’s easy to participate.

The tele-classes are accessible through local phone numbers in the US, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Ireland, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, South Africa, Switzerland and the United Kingdom, or you can listen in online or work with the recordings – they’ll be available immediately after the live class.

And there’s a private forum for asking questions, sharing your stories and?connecting with everyone else.

Click here to read more + join the Creative Dream Circle.

I look forward to HOLYday-ing with you!

Get my free journal for Creative Dreaming:
