Free Coloring Pages Coming Your Way…

My big project for 2016 is The Year of Dreams Epic Playbook: Guided Journal + Coloring Book for Healing, Magic + Dreams Come True.

I’m so happy and grateful about this – to spend the year building the ultimate guided journal and coloring book for creating deep and lasting change is my ultimate dream job.

To celebrate I’ve decided to share some of those pages with you!

December 28 to January 1 I’ll be sending out one free page every day.

The pages will include:

* Insightful journaling prompts to spark new self realizations that help you grow into your biggest, brightest and dreamiest self.

* Creative Soul Alchemy processes to transform your energy on the spot so you can make more space for your dreams (while minimizing fears, doubts and obstacles along the path).

* Fun stuff to colour that is designed to keep you marinating in the magic of it all because amazing answers and ideas come to you when you spend more time exploring your inner world.

The pages are designed to be the ultimate BFF for your dream – to cheer it on, help it grow and pick it back up when it falls down.

Makes sure to sign up for my email list so you’ll get all the pages right in your inbox (and you’ll also get my free e-course Give Your Dream Wings).

In the meantime, there’s always the Creative Journal Prompts for the New Year to play with.

Get my free journal for Creative Dreaming:
