Being gentle AND intentional [Weekly Dream Status Report]

Note: This is a post about my daily practice with my Creative Dreams - I often link to the tools, courses and processes I use which are available to Dream Book members. If you're not a member, find out more + join us here.

On Fridays I do my Dream Status Report which is a series of prompts I use every week to help me have more clarity, momentum and groundedness on my path. You can do them with me (Dream Book members: come post yours in the forum!)!

I know doing the same prompts every week can be annoying sometimes but this is magically clarifying. The repetition helps you go deeper into the process and makes it easier to LEARN from your process as you go, and the apply those learnings right away.

Here are the prompts:

PART ONE: (sometimes these can stay the same for months at time, sometimes they change often)

My dream is:  

I want it because: 

When I have it I will feel:



Invite your dream in (using the Dream Lab practice) to help you with the rest of the prompts.



My goal/wish/intention for this New Moon is:

Last week’s focus was:

What happened in the last week?

What am I learning/How do I feel about this?

What do I need now?

What does my dream need now?

Taking all of this into account, my focus for the next week is:

My Dream Status Report for this week:


My dream is: Being the artist + writer I want to be. Feeling really alive. I already have it AND it's an always-work-in-process... right now there is a lot shifting around how much/what kind of art I want to make and working on creating more nourishing/robust/lively local creative community.

I want it because: Divorce is a new beginning. Of course there is sadness but there are also all these new possibilities and I want to explore them, I want to explore who I can be next.

When I have it I will feel: The same as now - ALL the feelings 🙂 But, I think, more ALIVENESS.

My new moon intention: Treat this transition time I'm in as sacred. (New Moon call was so good this month!!)


PART TWO: Invite your dream in (using the Dream Lab practice) to help you with the rest of the prompts.

Last night I went to a figure painting workshop and it was SO fun. This playful, supportive space, surrounded by women making art. In the meditation my dream came to be as this - but the space full of light.

Which is like: hey you're already doing it!

And also: it can keep getting better!


Last week’s focus was: Processing all of my feelings very deeply as an act of self care and growth.

What happened in the last week? 

This was a good week. I am using Polyvagal Theory, which I know has been debunked but is still the most useful theory I've ever seen (I'm using Deb Dana's book Polyvagal Exercises for Safety and Connection).

Just checking in with my body/nervous system about what I need to make decisions instead of what my head thinks I should do. It means things are all moving more slowly than I wish they were but it also means - I'm mostly feeling good.

What am I learning/How do I feel about this?

I am a little frustrated by how slow some things are moving - things I really want to do!!!

Honouring ALL of my feelings means honouring the need to rest and and be sad AND ALSO the inspiration I feel to move creative projects forward AND ALSO the feelings of frustration about my creative projects moving more slowly than I want them too. It's all valid.

I am learning how to hold all these conflicting feelings in a calmer way. This feels really good.

What do I need now?

I really, really want more creative project time. This is hard because: I lack focus + energy.

Everything that's been happening (family member is still up and down in hospital) has made focus + energy so hard to find. I am eating SO well. Sleeping SO well. Doing all the things to encourage this, but still it's not there.

What else would help?

WRITING LISTS!! Getting specific about the things I wish I was doing, then breaking those things down into much smaller steps to see if there is a time when a tiny step might feel do-able.

What does my dream need now?

The light is glowing in this beautiful way, it feels like it's saying: find a way to make more space for me. How can I be gentle and intentional about this?

Taking all of this into account, my focus for the next week is:

Be gentle with myself AND intention about what I want to be doing.

Come dream with us
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