Wishing that something would change is a sign that YOU ARE READY TO CHANGE IT.
But one of the things that can happen when are on the precipice of a change that's so big it feels like a ⚡️BREAKTHROUGH⚡️ is that we doubt our ability to pull it off.
So let me assure you: You're ready for your breakthrough. Wishing that something would change is a sign that YOU ARE READY TO CHANGE IT.
And if you are ready to give this the time and attention it needs, you don't have to have a clue about HOW to go about this change. That's my job - I hold space for it to happen, and we figure out the steps together.
Wanting a change that feels out of reach is an invitation from your soul.
This is fertile ground for alchemy - space to grow, heal and BE more of who you really ARE.
Of course, these big desires can call in fear, self doubt, frustration and resistance/avoidance. It can feel too hard to stay in the desire when you don’t see way to move forward, and it can be too much to deal with all of the discomfort that comes up.
That’s why groups like this are magic.
We help each other stay in the fire long enough to be transformed by it.
BREAKTHROUGH is a series of three alchemy sessions with a small group on Zoom... WITH NO RECORDINGS ⚡️⚡️⚡️
The group will be small enough for everyone to get attention. We’re being present, going deep and GETTING our breakthroughs.
No sessions available: BREAKTHROUGH is not currently open for registration