Calling all the helper-people

SHINE: Group Coaching for Coaches, Healers, Teachers & Helper-People of all kinds starts on Tuesday and there are still a few spots left.

SHINE is all about giving you right-fit support and guidance to move to the next stage of your journey as a Helper-Person.

The first time I ran this group, every single participant got what they wanted out of it.? There is deep magic in this group.

While it can feel like the market is already super-saturated and like other people are already doing what you want to do, the truth is the world needs each one of us!? Changing the world is not an easy task and we need all hands on deck.

So if you feel called to show up as a helper-person, as a coach or teacher, a healer or inspirationalist, then you are needed.? Absolutely.

I believe this very deeply which is why I am offering this program: to help you help more people.? To help you make your business more sustainable or successful or playful or whatever it is you need to do, to do your important work.

Read more & join us, right here.

Please note, because I keep getting asked when I’ll do this again: I will NOT be running this group again in 2014, and have a lot of other plans for 2015 so if I do run this again, it won’t be for some time.

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