I’ve been doing Monday Morning Creative Genius Planning Sessions for a long time.
First, I did them by myself, in a coffee shop.
Coffee and a breakfast sandwich and journaling and planning.
I worked out lists of things to explore each week in these sessions, and then took what I discovered in those explorations and used that to create my schedule for the week.
I shared how I do all of this in the Creative Business Incubator (which is free for Creative Dream Circle members).
This past summer it evolved into all sorts of different Picnic Creative Genius Planning Sessions. Some weeks I did this every morning.
With a few car-picnics in the fall when it was too cold to journal outside.
And then it got chilly and I went back inside.
Now – every Monday morning, there’s a new Creative Genius Planning Session in the Creative Dream Circle where we focus in on consciously creating our week, using creativity, spirit, imagination, intuition, play and MAGIC.
I love this!
And I’ve been feeling another aspect of this wanting to come in: something like bigger picture visioning. But not “big picture”, ugh. Somehow that feels kind of forced and gross. No, I want visionary visioning.
What I want is a sense of openness and trusting in spirit and intuition to lead. Not me-trying-to-control-everything-and-MAKE-things-happen. More like connecting into the more expansive vision that is always there and sometimes I’m not aware of because I am focused in on the details of my life.
There’s this thing that happens in Creative Dreaming – when you get the things you wanted. If you’re not continually connecting into the greater vision of your purpose you end up stagnating.
I feel like I am reaching this point. I got my dream loft! I’ve created an art studio and play space in here that totally exceeded my own dreams and desires. 20 foot ceiling! GIANT windows with crystals in them that throw rainbows everywhere! The most delicious indoor tent ever! Pink and orange and purple curtains! A sleeping loft! All brand new appliances! Someone else to shovel the show!
I’ve restructured my business and it feels like a better fit now that I get to work more closely with the amazing dreamers in the Creative Dream Circle on an on-going basis, as opposed to running individual classes. Staying in the process longer = WAAAAAAAAAAY more magic, all around.
There’s lots to do still with both of these, I’m not saying I’m DONE. There are lots of things I want to add to the Creative Dream Circle next year. And lots of decorating still to do in the dream loft.
But working with what-is-here is different from connecting to the greater vision and I miss that part!
Luckily, I have lots of tools and processes for how to do this.
Today I don’t know which one I want to use.
This is another thing about creative dreaming: you’re constantly being brought to places that you have never been before. Your inner and outer landscapes shift continually. When you find yourself somewhere new, you have to look around and explore and discover before you can make a plan for how to proceed. What worked there will not necessarily work here!
That’s what this is, me exploring where I’m at now with the intention of gathering the information I need to make a plan.
Right now all I know is this:
I want to do visioning on Sundays.
I want Sunday visioning to fuel Monday Creative Genius Planning.
And, because baby steps are important when you’re venturing out into the unknown, I’m going to do this slowly. I’m going to write + publish a blog post about visioning every Sunday.
It feels important to me that I write it ON SUNDAY to help ground me in experiencing Sunday as the day of visioning. My commitment is to do this for December and then see where I’m at with it. You are so welcome to join along, in the comments, on your blog, in your journal – wherever.
So after writing that I went off to meditate with the intention of connecting to the more expansive vision and this is what I discovered: heart-centered richness + fullness.? That’s the energy of this new vision.
It’s important to do something that anchors you in your vision. So I did this:
It sits right above my desk so all week I’ll be remembering the visionary vision, connecting to it, and being open to learning more about it.