Goodbye 2021! New Year Journal Prompts

Goodbye 2021 Journal Prompts

We begin the Goodbye 2021 Hello 2022 New Year Journaling EXTRAVAGANZA with these journal prompts for looking back on 2021.

It's actually REALLY HARD to keep making new goals for the New Year if you're not taking the time to reflect on and learn from what happened with your plans for the year that is ending.

By taking some time to reflect on the year that has passed, you're gathering up the gifts and lessons so you can carry them with you into the new year.

These New Year Journal Prompts are for reflecting on the year that passed, and using what you learn there to look ahead to the new year.

The purpose is to create some space for processing and healing the hard parts of the year that is ending, and getting clarity on what you want to let go of, to make space for what you want to receive in the new year.

We've had a couple of rough years in a row and this work feels more important than ever.

New Year Journal Prompts For Looking Back On The Year That Is ending:

What did you try with your dreams in 2021?  What worked?  What didn’t work?

What was amazing in 2021?

What are you most grateful for about 2021?

What did you do in 2021 that you’re proud of?

What did you learn/discover that you want to bring into 2022?

What was hard in 2021?

What do you want to leave behind in 2021?

How did your dreams grow in 2021?

How did YOU grow in 2021? What gifts and strengths do you have now that you didn’t have in 2020?

Is there anything you need to do to complete your year? Any unfinished business that you’d like to finish, and leave behind as you move into 2022?

Go deeper with the Goodbye 2021 Alchemy Releasing Ceremony.

This is an alchemy class for releasing all the things you want to release, before stepping into 2022.

The class is part of the special bonus content that is available to Dream Book members.

Goodbye 2021! New Year Journal Prompts

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