I re-arranged the whole loft. Again

(I wrote this post on April 1)

I started having this intense feeling, once in a while, of wanting to “go upstairs to my bed”

I had moved the bedroom downstairs about 2.5 years ago, and at that time I was really happy to move my work upstairs, where it was sunnier. It felt good to have work be separate from the rest of my life.

When my husband left me in September, I did re-arrange things, while keeping work upstairs and life downstairs, and LOVED my set up all winter. And, I guess it was time to change it. Because on Easter weekend this wish to “go upstairs to my bed” was so intense I felt I HAD to do it. Right then, that day....

Take apart 2 bed frames (I had a work/nap twin size bed in my work space) and my desk, and move EVERYTHING up/down the stairs. (My sister did come over to help move the queen boxspring and mattress, which I tried but just couldn’t get up the stairs alone) I thought, since I have been lifting weights for months this will be fine.

But I am writing this the morning after, and it’s not fine, lol! I’m sure I’ll be find soon, but Ibuprofen is keeping me going this morning.


This feels like I am starting my new life.

This loft bedroom was the reason why I got this condo. It’s a big bedroom with huge windows looking out on our courtyard with trees outside. One of the windows is a door that fully opens to let in SO MUCH fresh air. Being in there felt like being in a retreat.

So, I don’t regret my choice to move my work into the most cherished part of my home because I do love my work. It made sense, I had ALWAYS thought about it, and it was good to do it and see how it was.

The thing is, I don’t need that much space for my work. I had 2 desks and a twin size work/nap bed and lots of space to spread out on the floor since I do like working on the floor… but lately I was mostly taking my laptop and journals downstairs and working on the floor there.

I think it’s great to try things, even if they don’t end up being what you want FOREVER

I FEEL ALIVE because of making this decision and taking this action. And I think I remembering feeling this good about the choice to move my work into this room two and a half years ago.

I just want to hold onto this - doing the thing that feels right. Giving myself the things I crave.

This morning I woke up upstairs, back in my bedroom. And I just felt so happy.

I also felt SO HAPPY when I first moved the workspace upstairs.

It’s like - there is no ONE WAY. We are living growing beings and get to make new choices whenever that feels right. That’s a big part of why I wanted a loft with no interior walls, so I could re-arrange in whatever way fits my life in the moment.

Anyway, it’s spring. I am feeling the RE-BIRTH vibes. I feel alive. I feel like I have a new home and a new life and I am really excited about my future.

I’m working on adding something new to Dream Book - to make it more of a COACHING MEMBERSHIP because I think we all need more support for our creative dreams because we all deserve to feel ALIVE and EXCITED about our futures. We can create a better future for everyone. I sent out an email about this on Monday - we’re going to do a weekly coaching call on Fridays for planning, momentum and support. This will start April 26, details to come!

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