Is there something you want me to help you with?

I am happy to help!? Book a short (15 minute!) phone call and we’ll un-stick the stuck and get you happily grooving along the path to your dream.

The beauty of a MINI session is that you narrow in on one thing, the one thing that’s super stuck right now, and you get it un-stuck.

This works because even though your dream is this big expansive thing, you can only actually do one thing at a time.

Focusing in on one thing you can shift right now is the most effective way to move yourself and your whole life in the direction of your dreams.



Tery“Between my personal and business life, I had a lot on my plate. I was truly stuck with Time Management Skills.? My thought process at the time was to have a perfect schedule/itinerary. You helped me to realize that Time Management is more of being *effective* with your work within that time frame.

I was very overwhelmed and frustrated.? All the time I did have, I would just sit there in total frustration due to perfectionism.

After our session, I had to ponder. I had to reflect. Take it all in – then I got it!

Now I am getting everything done!? If I only work for One hour – that time is highly effective. I have jumped full throttle into my creativity.

Now, nothing stands in my way.”

Teresa Brouwer, Willow Creek Studio,


Yes, all that from a 15 minute phone call!

You can read what others have to say about me and my work here.

A Mini Session is perfect for when:

  • You know you have a dream, you just don’t know what it is.
  • You know what your dream is, but you don’t know how to move towards it.
  • Or you know what your dream is but you don’t have enough time/money/support to be working towards it right now.
  • You’re working on it but keep running into this one thing that stops/terrifies/confuses you.
  • You just want a dose of magic, sparkles and I CAN DO IT positive energy.


In 15 minutes you’ll get sparkling crystal clarity about what steps to take right now? to get things moving.

You’ll leave the call with:

  • An answer to whatever question you had.
  • Clarity about what will support you the most right now.
  • An enhanced sense of possibility.

We can?t make your shining big dream real is 15 minutes (that?s what the Incubator is for) but we can clear what?s in your way right now and get you moving towards it in a smoother, more ease-filled way.


“You are sooo inspiring dear Andrea.? The mini session was very powerful and revealing and has opened up a new door marked potential.”

Heidi Jones, Alchemy of the Arts,



You’ll also get:

  • A recording of our call (I’ll send you a download link to access your recording within 48 business hours, the link will be accessible for 7 days)
  • My notes and recommendations for the easiest way to implement what we talked about (to keep the magic flowing beyond our 15 minutes together, also sent to you within 48 business hours)



“Very helpful consult!? Thinking about my project in a whole nother way.”

Max Daniels, Weight Loss and Money Coach at

You’ll LOVE this if:

  • You are both creative and spiritual, but in your own unique way.
  • You think of yourself as a dreamer.
  • You’re open minded and ready to try something new and kind of silly.
  • You understand that it’s the inner work that gets outer results.
  • You wouldn’t mind working on your stuff in a way that’s fun and creative.


This is definitely NOT for you if:

  • You’re uncomfortable being creative/imaginative/silly (in order to be effective, the call is going to get weird).
  • You’d rather not face your fears or feelings.
  • Deep down inside, you don’t actually want to change anything.

How it Works:

In these super-short sessions we don’t have time to dive into your story, which is actually part of why they are so surprisingly effective.

We’re going to step out of your story and into your inner world where we can transform and dissolve the stuck at its core.

We’ll begin with a questionnaire.? A lot of people report that they feel less stuck just after filling in the questionnaire.

The combination of questionnaire (aka spending some time getting clear on what’s going on) and the commitment to transformation (aka you don’t book a session with me unless you’re ready to Make Your Dream REAL) is super magical.

After you send your questionnaire, you’ll be ushered over to my online scheduler to book your session.? Our session will happen either on a conference line (it’s a US number even though I’m Canadian) or on Skype (audio only).

Do not worry about not knowing what to say!? Thanks to the questionnaire, I’ll already know what’s going on and I’ll lead you in diving right into the magic of how to get what you want.? In the process, I’ll ask you some strange questions, I’ll have you visualize really silly things, we’ll giggle a lot, and there may be tears.

There will also be: relief, a-hah moments and the magic of connecting with your infinite creative potential.


And the cost?? It’s MINI too!

The introductory price for Mini Creative Dream Coaching Sessions is $37.

Let’s do this: You, me, your dream + fifteen minutes of magic.



If you want to find out how I can help you grow your dreams, send me a message.


Helping you get what you WANT is my life?s work?and play.

I help CreativeSpiritual people create success on their own terms.

I?ve studied the spiritual art of DREAM-FULFILLMENT for eighteen years, and have counseled & coached people into jobs they adore?homes they treasure?relationships that light them aglow?and creative adventures (large & small) that color their lives with joy.

Everyone suspects that their dream is impossible, too far-fetched, too big. Happily, everyone is wrong.

I have the tools to help you get what you want. And I?m literally wiggle-dancing with excitement to share them with you.

The introductory price for Mini Creative Dream Coaching Sessions is $37.

Let’s do this: You, me, your dream + fifteen minutes of magic.


Policies for Mini Creative Dream Coaching Sessions:

Creative Dream Mini Coaching Sessions happen on my Conference Call Line.? We’ll both call in and meet there.? Even though I’m Canadian, it’s an American phone number.? I can also meet you on Skype (audio only) if you prefer – just email me after you’ve booked your session with your Skype ID.

Creative Dream Mini Coaching Sessions happen during the day (North American Central Time Zone) on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.? If you absolutely must book your session outside of this, email me before signing up to see if I can accommodate you (you can use the contact form on this page)

Your session is good for 8 weeks from date of purchase, and then it expires.? There are no refunds for expired sessions.

Your session can be rescheduled with 48 hours notice (just send me an email).? Sessions cancelled with less than 48 hours notice cannot be rescheduled or refunded.

If you haven’t called within 5 minutes of the start time, your session is cancelled and cannot be rescheduled or refunded.

If you call in a few minutes late our session be a few minutes short.? It’s best to call into the conference line a few minutes early to be ready to go on time.

This session does not include follow-up support.? You are free to book another session, or join my Creative Dream Circle, if you want ongoing Creative Dream Support.

Get my free journal for Creative Dreaming:
