The magic of being good enough.

You can’t bring your dreams to life if you’re secretly hoping that having the dream will make you finally feel like you’re good enough – that worthiness piece is always going to be blocking you.

Instead, dive in and do the work of feeling good enough now and you’ll find that this does bolster and nurture your dreams.?

This is how dreams grow – from the inside out.


Last week I wrote about how I wanted to meet the holiday season differently this year, to end the year filled up, fueled up and ready for a fresh and fabulous 2015.

Since then I’ve been working with the material for the Peaceful Happy Holiday Season class and am surprised at the directions it’s taking me in.

I feel more filled up and at peace with myself which has freed up something inside me and now I have TONS more energy, which is a huge surprise.

I expected to feel more calm, peaceful and happy.

I was NOT expecting to feel energized and crazy inspired.

I was NOT expecting to be able to get more done in a day, without rushing, pushing or forcing.

Magic is at work.? The magic of knowing, like really knowing deep deep down, that you are already “good enough”.

This is the magic of being filled up.

Can’t wait to share this one with you.

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