Being in the process of change is hard.


It’s vulnerable and messy and raw and uncomfortable.? It’s good to try to remember that underneath that, it’s also really beautiful, as more space is opening up for your truth and light to shine bright.

This is how you grow into more of who you really are, which is awesome.? But while you’re in it, it’s hard because you’re seeing everything differently and things that felt right now feel wrong and it’s all topsy turvy and there is something inherently frustrating about not knowing what you want.

After posting my update this morning I’ve been feeling more and more uncomfortable.? Like I’m in a cloud of fogginess and uncertainty and it’s embarrassing to share, even though I know that it’s my job to share the actual process.? Even though I know I’ll come through this brighter than before, and grateful for having learned whatever it is I’m learning.

Anyway, just wanted to put that out there.

If you’re finding it hard and messy and raw please don’t give up.

Here’s what I’m doing to make it easier:

  • Taking extra-good care of myself (picked up organic veggies on the way home for a big salad, drinking lots of water, taking it easy, going for a bike ride)
  • Finding ways to make it easier to stay with my feelings (drawing mandalas, art journaling, using the Un-Sticking Station in the Creative Dream Circle, sitting in the park, bubble bath)
  • Reminding myself that this is just a part of it.
  • Welcoming in the gifts of the change.

See you on the other side,

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