Creative Genius Planning Sessions are about doing your weekly planning from your most wise, brave and creative self. You get to your next level with your dreams by being your next-level self, doing next-level things.
There is a 15 minute Creative Genius Planning Session right here (meditation + journaling class) for planning your amazing week.
AND I am creating a full "expansion pack" of extra videos that address specific situations that you’ll come up against with your planning. I’m sharing a new one, with a new theme, each week.
This week we're exploring how to approach this when you've got two things competing for your attention.
Often it's your dream and your job that compete.
Sometimes it's two different dreams or two different creative projects.
There's lots of different ways this happens, and that competing thing can make it harder to focus on anything and get your stuff done!
So that's what we'll work with in this week's Creative Planning Sessions Video:
If you're in Dream Book - watch this on our private blog, with a private comment section for sharing your goals for the week, asking questions and getting extra support.
If you're not in Dream Book - if you like the Creative Genius Planning Sessions you will LOVE Dream Book.