Creative Emergence Day 16: Letting Go


Click here for everything you need to get started with the Creative Emergence free 30 day e-course.

REMEMBER: Our live call is TODAY! I hope you can be there.? If you need some support with any of this – this is where to get it!? I’ll answer questions, do coaching and talk about whatever you want to talk about.

Letting go is an integral part of growing, evolving and making your dreams real.

You have all this awesome new stuff you want to invite into your life.

Where is it going to go?? Do you have space for it?? Or is your life so full of stuff you don’t want that the things you want can’t even come in?

Today I want you to journal your response to this question: What are you ready to let go of?

Journaling Cards

(This is another prompt from my Journaling Cards for Magic + Insight)

Sit with this question longer than you think you need to.

Most of us have a LOT of internal resistance to letting go of the familiar, even when letting go would totally serve our best interests.? Sitting quietly with this question can help you start to work through some of your resistance.

You can go deeper into this question by meeting with the heart and soul of your intention, and asking it – what does it want you to let go of?

Once you’re done – let us know how it went.

Share your daily journaling pics + thoughts on Instagram using the #creativeemergence hashtag, or post them here on Facebook. Circle members can share in our private Creative Emergence forum.

I’ll be sharing my pics and thoughts on my Instagram.

And/or leave a comment below. (Yes, you will need a Facebook account in order to comment. Apologies to those of you who don’t have Facebook.)

REMEMBER: Our next live call is TODAY! I hope you can be there.? If you need some support with any of this – this is where to get it!? I’ll answer questions, do coaching and talk about whatever you want to talk about.


Because I loooove my Circle members, I’ll be posting links to resources inside the Circle in most of these posts so they can dive into the lessons a little deeper. If you’re not a Circle member you can just ignore this part – or join us!


  • Module 3 of the Creative Dream Incubator e-Course has more resources for exploring how to create space for your dream in your life.
  • The Law of Sacrifice video may be helpful – it’s easier to let go when you’re really aware of what it is you can receive in exchange.
  • And we’ve got a private forum inside the Circle for sharing your Creative Emergence photos and stories if you’d rather not do that publicly.

You’ll need to be logged into your Creative Dream Circle account for these links to work.


See you back here tomorrow for day 17 of Creative Emergence.

REMEMBER: Our next live call is TODAY! I hope you can be there.

Get my free journal for Creative Dreaming:
