Creative Dream Incubator LIVE Session

Yes! Let’s play! And giggle, and find secret passageways that lead you right to where you want to be.

What it is:

A live session of the Creative Dream Incubator, starting January 14.?

The course runs for 8 weeks and includes an online forum and a weekly group coaching call.? The calls will start at 11am Central Standard (North American) time on Friday mornings and go as long as they need to, to answer all of your questions.

If you can’t be there live, you can email me your questions ahead of time, and then listen to the call recording at your convenience.? Also – you can ask me stuff in our online forum at any time.? I am super committed to supporting you in growing your dream.


How it works:

1. You start by getting the Creative Dream Incubator Kit.?

The kit has all of the workbooks/meditations/videos that make up the Creative Dream Incubator PLUS six bonus kits!? This gives you all the tools you need to make any dream real.

Once you download the kits, they are yours to keep and play with forever.

2. Then you join the Creative Dream Circle.

The Circle is where we work play together.

I have yet to meet anyone who has ever made a big real without guidance and support.? They are necessary ingredients for success and you can get them right here.

The Circle includes:

  • The Circle forum: I’m an active member and will answer any questions you have
  • Advanced Creative Badassery: a whole library of advanced Creative Dreaming Resources (hours and hours of videos + audios to help you navigate the more advanced aspects of Creative Dreaming)
  • The Creative Business Incubator: how to apply all of the principles of the Creative Dream Incubator to turning your passion into your business
  • A monthly playdate/teleclass that is so transformative, magic + amazing I can’t even describe it (where I stay on the phone as long as needed to answer ALL of your questions or help coach you through tough spots)

The Circle is one part coaching/mentoring, one part community and one part magic.

The Circle has a monthly membership fee ($37).? Once you join, you stay as long as you like – for 2 months while we go through this course, or stay longer to create a whole year of magic.

Leaving the Circle is easy-peasy – you just cancel your recurring payment in PayPal.



About the Creative Dream Incubator Kit:

You mission: to make your dream(s) real. Because you want to create a life that feels true to who you really are.

Everyone secretly worries that their dream is too wacky, too bold, too ambitious, too expensive, too [insert fear-triggered, self-created obstacle here].

Everyone believes that they?re the only one who?s stuck, scared and confused. That somehow their dream is just not possible. Or that now is not the right time.

Unless your dream involves a pet unicorn, the ability to breathe underwater, or a new planet of your very own (and a moon to go with it), it IS possible.


And the best time to start making it REAL is right now.

You don?t need gazillions of dollars, a wall of fancy degrees, or superhuman powers (other than the ones you already have!) to make your dream come true.

You don?t even need to know how it?s all going to work. (Really!)

You just need a space to nurture and accelerate your dream. You need guidance and the right tools.


You need a Creative Dream Incubator.

(Good thing it exists!)

The Creative Dream Incubator is a wish-fulfillment master class to help you GROW YOUR DREAM, by guiding you through every stage of the Creative Dream Process.


The Creative Dream Incubator will show you how to find the magic inside

you – that place where everything is possible.

Picture it now: Supreme, creative, joyful ease.

Helen?s inner dream landscape softened to allow new dreams to take root and grow. The result: an unexpected new knitting venture was born..

Angel?s dream grew from a vague blob of ideas, thoughts and hopes into a real, solid dream-come-true!

Meg went from hiding under the blankets to an impressive list of Creative Dream Successes.

LeeAnn changed? well? her whole life. From working in a cubicle while struggling to pay off debt in NYC to free-as-a-bird and having amazing adventures in the country of her dreams (and heart), Scotland.

When you start using the Creative Dream Incubator everything about making your dream real will get easier.


There is a 100% Money Back Guarantee on the Creative Dream Incubator. Details are at the bottom of this post.

Sounds good?

Let?s get started. Here?s what you?ll need:

  • A Dream that means a lot to you (or the desire to FIND your next Big Dream)
  • A computer with Internet access, so you can download the course materials (and you?ll need to know how to download stuff, or have someone who can help you with that part)
  • A printer (to print out the digital workbooks ? or, save a tree & keep them on your ?puter)
  • A journal or notebook (and something to write with ? I can?t promise but I?m pretty sure you?ll get better results if you use glitter pens)
  • A willingness to play, scribble, draw, be brave, stomp your feet, and approach Creativity and Dreams in a whole new way

The Creative Dream Incubator is packed with videos, resources, guided meditations, homeplay (not work!) assignments, worksheets and absolutely oozes inspiration, as you can see:

Here?s what you get:

6 Creative Dream Incubator Workbooks: totaling over 105 whimsical pages of Creative Dream Magic

21 (!) Creative Dream Incubator Videos: leading you step-by-step through the sometimes-confusing terrain of bringing a dream to life, from the inside out. Each video is between 2 and 22 minutes long ? it?s like having me right there in your livingroom, sharing all of the secrets of Creative Dreaming.

6 Creative Dream Meditations: My Creative Meditation mp3s are NOT designed for sleepy relaxation. They?re supercharged servings of ENCOURAGEMENT to amplify your Creative Spirit ? and they?re part of the ?secret sauce? of bringing dreams to life. Each meditation is 15 minutes long.

Magic Affirmation Activator and Workbook: everything you need to make affirmations do their magic.

33 Positive Energy Emails: delightful hand-drawn affirmations, sent out randomly over the next four months, to help keep you groove along your Creative Dream Path.

All the materials are yours to keep, forever and ever, so you can use the Incubator again and again to bring all of your dreams to life.


To guarantee your success, when you buy the Creative Dream Incubator you?ll also get:


The Creative Journal Magic Kit

Journaling ? it?s not just for lovesick teenagers anymore! Creative Journaling is a powerful tool to articulate your dreams, map out strategies, and visualize your desires, in vivid techni-color. This Kit will teach you how to wield your journal like a magic wand?to plan, activate + GET anything you want. (This one used to sell on its own for $55)



The Inner Critic Creative Journaling Kit

Your Inner Critic is like a washed-up paper-pusher, who seriously needs a new job. Learn how to talk to your Inner Critic (a notoriously poor communicator ? no wonder he never got promoted!) and give him the boot?so an encouraging & supportive new colleague can take his place! (This one used to sell on its own for $75)



The Map-making Adventure Kit

Creative Dreams may sound like fluff and unicorns and rainbows?but they?re far from it. You know that your Big Dream requires strength, courage & commitment. It also requires a plan. This Kit will help you map out a plan even a unicorn would approve of ? with creative visualization & mind-mapping techniques that build bridges & paths out of pure, blank paper. (This one used to sell on its own for $50)


The Magic Potions Meditation Kit

Right now ? you need a shot of MAGIC. An answer. An insight. A burst of energy, to cross the finish line. My Creative Meditation mp3s are NOT designed for sleepy relaxation. They?re supercharged servings of ENCOURAGEMENT to amplify your Creative Spirit. Immediately. Like magic, no? (This one used to sell on its own for $50)



The Rainbow~licious Creative Healing Circle

An amazing creative colourful healing circle ? without leaving your livingroom! (This one used to sell on its own for $40)



The Dream SPARK Kit

A creative journey through your inner world to discover your heart?s true dreams.

(This one used to sell on its own for $12)


Choose your own adventure: Play on your own or join the Creative Dream Circle.

The DIY Self-Study Package is for you if:
  • You are motivated enough to work through the whole kit on your own.
  • You already have a super-supportive Creative Dream Community.
  • You don?t think you would benefit from ongoing mentoring/coaching/advice/support from me as you grow your dream.

This option DOES NOT include the class in January with weekly group coaching calls or the Hello 2013 Playdate.

The Creative Dream Superstar Package is for you if:
  • You?d like my help in bringing your dreams to life (this option includes lots of support from me).
  • Your dream includes having your own business (this option includes the Creative Business Incubator plug-in for the Creative Dream Incubator kit).
  • You want to know all the ADVANCED tips + tricks for living your magic (this option includes my Advanced Creative Badassery Resource Library ? hours and hours and hours of videos and audios not in any of my other courses).
  • You understand that successful creative dreaming requires ongoing support.

This option DOES? include the class in January with weekly group coaching calls and we’re going a SUPERAMAZING Hello 2013 Playdate on Jan 3.? You can attend live or get the recordings – either way you’ll be setting the stage for 2013 to be the best year of your life (until 2014, that is…).

Your dream is ready. Let’s make it real.

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  • Creative Dream Incubator Kit
  • Creative Journal Magic Kit
  • Transform your Inner Critics, Fears + Doubts Kit
  • Map-Making Kit
  • Magic Potions Meditation Kit
  • Rainbow~liscious Creative Healing Circle Kit
  • DreamSpark Kit





Cost: $147
Once you have the kit, you are welcome to join the Creative Dream Circle at any time, but you’ll only get your first month free if you sign up right now.

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  • Creative Dream Incubator Kit
  • Creative Journal Magic Kit
  • Transform your Inner Critics, Fears + Doubts Kit
  • Map-Making Kit
  • Magic Potions Meditation Kit
  • Rainbow~liscious Creative Healing Circle Kit
  • DreamSpark Kit
  • The Creative Dream Circle which means I’ll be actively supporting you in making your dream real, plus a magical online community, plus tele-class/playdates, a whole Resource Library of audios + videos to help you grow your dream and live your magic, and more.
  • The Creative Business Incubator Plug-In which shows you how to apply the Creative Dream Incubator principles to growing your Creative Business.

(The Creative Business Incubator Plug-In is not available for sale, it’s only for Creative Dream Circle members)

Cost: $147
Plus $37/month for as long as you want to stay in the Circle.
Payments start 30 days from now.
You are free to leave at any time.


Helping you get what you WANT is my life?s work…and play.

About me: The Creator of the Creative Dream Incubator

I?ve studied the spiritual art of DREAM-FULFILLMENT for eighteen years (and teaching it for six years), and have counseled & coached people into jobs they adore…homes they treasure…relationships that light them aglow…and creative adventures (large & small) that color their lives with joy.

Everyone suspects that their dream is impossible, too far-fetched, too big. Happily, everyone is wrong.

I have the tools to help you get what you want. And I?m literally wiggle-dancing with excitement to share them with you.

What do Creative Dream Incubator graduates have to say?

“Dear Andrea,

I just wanted to write and say thank you thank you thank you for the Creative Dream Incubator.

It changed my life.

I was stuck in fear and resistance and getting buried under an ever expanding pile of self-loathing because of it. And when we got to Module 4…everything shifted. I realized that my fear didn’t mean that my dream was “the wrong one” or that I wasn’t “good enough” or “brave enough” to go for it. I realized that my fear was just…fear.

And if I moved through it everything would get better. So I did. And it did!

And taking that first step shifted EVERYTHING else.

I feel so different now than I did at the start of the CDI.

I see more magic everywhere. I’m handling setbacks with more calm and determination. I have more faith in my dream. Even my parents have noticed a difference!

Thank you for bringing this beautiful dream of yours into the world. Thank you for your gentle, kind, and supportive presence. You are amazing, and you are doing such important work.

Much love,”


Hey, Andrea,

I just wanted to write and let you know how amazing this program is being for me.

Crazy-awesome changes keep happening, and obstacles that I thought were surely blocks are just melting away like butter.


“Andrea’s courses are amazing, she is a beacon of light (super creative light) in this world.

I have no hesitation recommending her to anyone to wants to be more creative or make their dreams real.”

Lisa vanEgmond, Artist and Creative Arts Therapist,

Click here for more testimonials from happy creative dreamers.


Are you ready for a simple, systematic process to make your DREAM REAL and a whole Circle of Creative Kindred Spirits to help you with it, every step of the way?

[wpcol_1half id=”” class=”” style=””]

  • Creative Dream Incubator Kit
  • Creative Journal Magic Kit
  • Transform your Inner Critics, Fears + Doubts Kit
  • Map-Making Kit
  • Magic Potions Meditation Kit
  • Rainbow~liscious Creative Healing Circle Kit
  • DreamSpark Kit





Cost: $147
Once you have the kit, you are welcome to join the Creative Dream Circle at any time, but you’ll only get your first month free if you sign up right now.

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  • Creative Dream Incubator Kit
  • Creative Journal Magic Kit
  • Transform your Inner Critics, Fears + Doubts Kit
  • Map-Making Kit
  • Magic Potions Meditation Kit
  • Rainbow~liscious Creative Healing Circle Kit
  • DreamSpark Kit
  • The Creative Dream Circle which means I’ll be actively supporting you in making your dream real, plus a magical online community, plus tele-class/playdates, a whole Resource Library of audios + videos to help you grow your dream and live your magic, and more.
  • The Creative Business Incubator Plug-In which shows you how to apply the Creative Dream Incubator principles to growing your Creative Business.

(The Creative Business Incubator Plug-In is not available for sale, it’s only for Creative Dream Circle members)

Cost: $147
Plus $37/month for as long as you want to stay in the Circle.
Payments start 30 days from now.
You are free to leave at any time.


The Creative Dream Incubator comes with a 100% Money Back Guarantee.

If you do all of the assignments and your dream does not shift and grow in some way I will give you your money back.

This has never happened before, but if you’re the first person the Incubator does not work for, this is what we’ll do:

We’ll meet (on the phone or on Skype) for a free Creative Dream Coaching Session to un-stick the stuck and get your dream growing (because you’d rather have your dream, then get your money back). If it still refuses to budge, I’ll give you a full refund.

I promise: if you do the work, it’s going to work.


Not quite ready? Let?s start with a free mini-coaching session.? Here?s how it works:

The Creative Dream UN-STUCK-U-BATOR is a fifteen minute laser-focused coaching call with me. (We?ll meet on the phone, or if you?re outside of North America we?ll use Skype, audio only.)

In these sessions, people are finding impossible things turning possible, stucks melting away and new paths being formed.

Even though the sessions are only 15 minutes and most people come to them feeling like their stuck is too big to be solved in 15 minutes.

That?s not true.

We can?t make your shining big dream real is 15 minutes (that?s what the Incubator is for) but we can clear what?s in your way right now and get you moving towards it in a smoother, more ease-filled way.?

And you can get a sense of whether or not I am the right person to help you with your dream.

>>> Click here to apply now.



Your 2013 is looking brighter already.


Get the free journal for Creative Dreaming here:
