I don’t want to do any of this.

I am working on the new DREAM SPREE!!! project.

I have a few hours in my schedule to work on implementing some of the amazing ideas I've gotten....


I'm just sitting here.

Why am I not doing this?

My mind tries to grasp at multiple excuses, can't get a firm grip on any of them, and just freezes.

I don't know.

And I hear "I just don't want to do any of this"

This is soooo common.

I've coached so many people through the process of getting CLEAR on the HOW and making time and space and then that magical day comes when it's time to get work....

And they don't.

They don't get to work. They don't know why. And they say something along the lines of "I don't think I really want to do this"

And I ask "Well what would you like to do"

And they talk about going back to the drawing board, coming up with a new plan for a new dream.

They're lying to themselves. Just like I'm lying to myself right now.

It seems really weird that when we get to that moment when we have both a plan and a the time/resources to implement that plan, that THIS is when we get stuck.

In a sense, this is the EASIEST PART! It's the part where we get to finally DO the thing!!

But in reality, this is one of the HARDEST parts.

This part is VULNERABLE AF and so this is where your inner stuff will throw the biggest possible hissy fit to get you off track so you don't have to feel the discomfort of ACTUALLY FOR REAL STARTING.

I just added a video about this to our Library of Creative Dream Alchemy Videos.

I recorded the process of how I worked through this, and added it to the library of Creative Dream Alchemy processes.

So that the next time you're in this situation, you can work through it with me.

It is SO MUCH BETTER to not do this alone. Alone - your inner critic can hold you back forever while having you believe you have no other options. In Dream Book - we'll get you taking steps TODAY.

Dream Book members: the video is here

I don\'t want to do any of this.

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