Today in my journal: Overwhelm, Changing The World + Embarrassing Realisations

I?ve been feeling extra-easily overwhelmed lately so I took it to my journal and then my journal asked me to share it with you so here it is.

(Yes you can still get my Journaling Cards for Magic + Insight right here)

My journal showed/reminded me how the world is chaos – the outer world.

We made the outer world this way because we (I mean we, the human species talking in very general terms) are disconnected from our truth – the truth of who we are, the truth of what life actually is.

Spirit is calm.? Peace and love and all the good stuff.

I live in between, in this quiet, calm space.? I built my life as it is today out of qualities like simplicity, spaciousness, order, mindfulness, creativity, quiet because the power to change the world doesn’t live in the world.

That power lives closer to spirit.

We created this world of chaos out of a place of disconnection.? Re-connection is the path to changing the world in a sustainable and lasting way.

Re-connection is my job – my own re-connection and helping others with their re-connection.

This is the first step in moving the species towards the power to create the new world, one where we’re all free and safe and happy.? A world where we recognize the beauty of the world, of ourselves and each other, and live in alignment with that instead of living in alignment with a weird corporate nightmare.

I believe we can only create that world from a place of deep connection to the qualities that we want that world to be full of: freedom, safety, peace, joy.

But I know when I get too close to the chaos I find it hard to remain deeply connected to these qualities.

So it’s like I stay a little separate from it in order to be of service to it.

But then sometimes I wind up too separate to be of service.

This is the same process through which all dreams come to life.

I’m talking about a global scale right now – how we have to tend to the needs of the world as it is now while also creating space for a new way of living to emerge.

But it’s the same thing for anyone who wants to leave their corporate job and live a more authentic life and can’t figure out how to pay the bills in the meantime.

You have immediate needs that need to be taken care of.? But if you spend all of your time taking care of your immediate needs you’ll never move towards the life you actually want to be living.? You keep yourself stuck where you are.

If you want a new life you not only have to devote time and energy and attention to building it – you have to build it from a place of already being there, energetically anyway (for Creative Dream Circle members I show you how to do this in the Creative Dream Incubator e-Course).

Anyway, back to my journaling today.

Really what life is pushing me to explore is how do I bring my inner peace and calm with me as I move closer to the chaos?

Because the chaos isn’t all bad.?

Hmmm, well this is embarrassing.

I know how to do this already working with energy and Creative Soul Alchemy.? I don’t just know how to do this already I teach this for a living.

So why has it been feeling so complicated and overwhelming lately?

Well, change is hard.

And if I’m really honest it’s because I’ve been lazy with this stuff lately.? Well, not lazy exactly, but my life is set up with so much intention and deliberateness that my routines and ways of being support me in living in deep connection almost on auto-pilot.

I don’t have to think about what I need because I already have it.

And as life changes what I need changes and I most certainly do have to think about it.

So, here I am thinking about it.

And I can see that the secret to how to do this actually lies in the overwhelm.

Every time I get overwhelmed I just want to cry and I’m embarrassed for crying and just want to run away from the whole thing.? Then, days later as I sort through what it was that got me so triggered I learn something new about what I need.

So what if I see the overwhelm as the gift that it is?? And stay present with it right then when it comes to me?? And bring clarity in to show me exactly what the overwhelm wants to teach me?

Then the overwhelm can show me how to create what I want here, closer to the chaos where a whole new set of possibilities live.


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