Habits Upgrade Alchemy Circle: March 11

It's natural to pick up "bad habits" in times of stress

I put "bad habits" in "quotes" because.... are they bad?

Probably not. They probably were the best form of self care and soothing that you could reach for in the moment.

But... are they really helping you be the person you want to be?

Are they helping you create your most expansive future?

Do they support you in being your most wise, brave, and creative self?

Probably not.

So, without judging any of the habits you've got going on right now how can we shift towards more helpful habits?

Or even - TRANSFORMATIVE habits?

Healing habits?

Up-leveling habits?

Habits that make your heart sing.

Habits that are a DELIGHT to actually do.

Habits that make everything better right now AND move you along the path to a better future.

This is what we'll do in the Habits Upgrade Alchemy Coaching Circle.

This is happening on Zoom on March 11 at 1:00 pm Central (North America). It will be recorded, so if you can't be there live you can work with the recording, and get support from me in the comments.

We'll start with an alchemy circle for exploring what a HABITS UPGRADE means to you, including:

  • which habits that aren't serving you are ready to be upgraded
  • which habit that aren't really serving you are actually NOT ready to be upgraded
  • which new habits will best support your growing dreams
  • what habits do you WISH you had?
  • how to make helpful habits more fun, engaging, and do-able for you

Then we'll do coaching around what comes up for you as we make our HABIT UPGRADE plans.

It will be 60-90 minutes, depending on how much we talk.

The thing with habits is that you have to DO THEM enough for them to BECOME habits - AKA daily practice.

So our work will continue in the daily mastermind posts - which IS already an ongoing container for the daily practice of believing in a better future and showing up for the process of making it happen.

The comments section in the daily mastermind posts are a space to play with how you're following through, experiment with new habits, get support when things go wrong, and be cheered on when they go right.

Habits Upgrade is included in your Dream Book membership for March. Join us here.

Habits Upgrade Alchemy Circle: March 11

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