Do I Even Deserve To Pursue My Dreams While The World Is In Chaos?

This is a question I've been seeing a lot of artists, coaches, healers and would-be world-changers asking... do I deserve to keep pursing my dreams right now?

It feels... icky.

We don't want to put our heads in the sand about what's happening in the world and keep skipping happily towards our dreams... but we also don't want to sacrifice everything trying to singlehandedly save the world, right?

So how do we find a balance?

That's what our first episode in the Creative Dreaming vs The End Of The World Pop-Up Podcast And Video Series is all about.

Watch it now:

I'll be sharing a new episode every day this week.

These are the rest of the topics we'll be exploring:

  • I'm so stressed out by the news that I have no energy to create
  • I'm more easily overwhelmed than usual
  • Becoming an effective Change-Maker
  • Alchemy meditation for Energy Clearing


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