What I learned giving away 100 Creative Dream Coaching Sessions in 6 weeks

In November of last year I set out on a new mission: to give away 100 Mini Creative Dream Coaching Sessions.? This is what that experience taught me:

We are all so much more alike than different.

  • When you get in touch with the purpose and meaning behind your dream – it’s so beautiful and important it makes you cry.
  • When you turn around and face that fear – it’s always less “big scary monster” and more “frightened inner child”.
  • The thought that you might never “go for it” is more scary than facing the fear that’s holding you back.
  • The answer you’ve been searching for forever is right there, inside you.? You just have to get quiet enough to hear it.

Creative Dreamers tend to stumble in the same places.

Taking risks is scary. And 100% necessary for successful creative dreaming.

Being vulnerable is scary.? And 100% necessary for successful creative anything.

Creative Dreaming Is Scary!

Creative Dreamers stumble until they learn how to talk to (and transform!) those fears and critical inner voices.

This is, of course, at the heart of what I teach.

I teach this because I have yet to meet anyone who figured out how to deal with this stuff entirely on their own.

This is hard.

Plus – blind spots!? You have them.

Support is needed.

I have never heard of anyone who ever made a big dream real on their own.? It’s a BIG JOB!

And there is no path that you can take that gets you there.

You have to create it for yourself.

But you don’t have to do it by yourself.? In fact, going it alone is just another way of setting yourself up to fail.?


Your fears and inner critics do not want you to sign up for the Creative Dream Incubator, that’s for sure.?

Are you sure you should be listening to then?

In giving away 100 free sessions I remembered, more clearly than ever, why I do this.

I teach this stuff because it LIGHTS ME UP to see you succeed.

Not just in making the thing real, the dream come true is really only the icing on the cupcake.

The real magic, the thing that really lights me up, is that moment when the (inner) magic happens:

  • When you see you inner critic for what it really is and know exactly what to do to help her feel safe and love and so she stops screaming those horrible things at you.
  • When you C O N N E C T full-on with your soul purpose and all of the magic inside of you and that knowing, that K N O W I N G that you can do it (Best. Feeling. Ever. If only I could bottle it!).
  • When you hear a message and you know, you just K N O W -? this is your intuitive wisdom speaking and it’s time to TRUST it.
  • When you see how easy it is to live your truth – right here, right now (No, you really don’t have to wait for anything to change first, you can be the change and you can be it right now).

That’s what I want for you, more than anything.

Your dream is so important! Yes.

And even more important is being connected to your own magic, right here right now.? That will take you far beyond your dream come true.

But it does start with the dream come true.

And we are starting the Creative Dream Incubator LIVE Session in one week.? It’s going to be magic and fun and learning and growing and all rolled up into a giant cupcake of delight – with multi-colurd creativity sprinkles on top.?

Click here to sign up today.


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