Receiving the miracle

It's that disorienting time of the year when I am starting to wake up before the sun.

This morning I lay in bed in the dark, with my husband's arm around me and my arm around our cat Bear, just feeling so grateful to feel clear-headed, inspired, and happy.

I felt.... S P A C I O U S.

Spacious is my holy grail of inner states.

For most of 2020, I have NOT had space for everything, so waking up feeling spacious was a real miracle this morning.

Thirty days ago, I started Project Miracle.

This is a 30 day meditation + journaling program designed to generate a breakthrough/miracle. (You can try Day 1 for free here!)

I had a very specific miracle that I wanted to call in, and I've been feeling like I did get a LOT out of the last 30 days, but I didn't get what I wanted.

Today I re-read my journaling from 30 days ago, I looked at what I wanted and realized - it was already here.

It doesn't quite feel how I thought it would, but it's here.

I was working with two main things in Project Miracle:

  • figuring out my work/home situation - I was dreaming of getting a new place to live and using the Dream Loft as my work space
  • figuring out my next steps in my business - my marketing has felt "off" for some time, like the public part of my business and the things I offer for free are not matching the big magic of Dream Book and need to be updated but I didn't know HOW and figuring it out felt completely overwhelming

And now:

  • I feel *at home* in my home in a whole new way. I decided not to move, and am more grateful than ever for all of the gifts of working from home. We got new furniture, re-arranged everything, and I LOVE IT.
  • I know what to do next in my business. In fact I HAVE ALREADY RECORDED + EDITED a whole new free course! I see why my marketing felt off and know what to do about it.

But the bigger thing is that I discover what it is I REALLY need, which was hiding underneath the things I thought I wanted.

Yesterday I started to see it and then today I got this prompt in my Dream Book kit and I knew:

journal prompt: the habits I have that make it harder for me to live my magic:

My habits and routines need a re-set.

I did journal about this yesterday already, but today I got the next piece.

It's ME.

This thing I am looking for, this thing I wish was different. It's ME.

While yesterday I was focused on what kinds of routines + habits I want to create for the fall/winter, today I see I need to look at the habits and routines I need to QUIT.

Receiving the miracle

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