Looking Back Through Your Journal

Today’s post is a Dreamtastic Creative Journals? post.? Dreamtastic is an ongoing (free!) e-course about using your journal as a tool for transformation, healing and dream-growing.


Today’s question:

Should I look back to identify patterns in my journaling?

If this feels helpful to you, then by all means yes!

If it doesn’t feel helpful, then don’t do it!

Whether you are looking back through your journals or not – you are likely to become more aware of your patterns through your journaling practice.

I spent years complaining in my journals before actually doing something about changing the things I was complaining about.

And even though I was looking back and re-reading things all the time – that wasn’t enough to actually get me to CHANGE the pattern.

Because awareness is only the first step.

Now, though I rarely look back through old journals, I’m much faster at spotting and changing patterns (thanks to the magic of Creative Soul Alchemy).

Creative Journal

So you absolutely have permission to save and read your old journals or burn them (I’ve done both).

Whatever feels right for you is the right thing for you to do.

Get my free journal for Creative Dreaming:
