A better world is possible.

My province went into lockdown today. It sucks, but I do get to ride this out in a very comfortable, warm, safe home, full of food and loads of ways to entertain myself.

What about the people who don’t have this?

What does it mean for me to stay in and focus on my own creative projects, to live in my beautiful privileged bubble while people in my city suffer?

How am I using my privilege to make my own life better?

How am I using my privilege to make any kind of positive difference in the world?

People are always quick to tell me how important my work is. How it DOES make a positive difference to so many. But how is it helping the homeless in my city when all of the safe COVID isolation rooms are already booked while our numbers keep spiking?

And yes I do give money away to groups who help the homeless, I’ve done that for many years and so far that has not solved the problem. I don’t think we should be so quick to feel good about ourselves for our financial donations while the problems persist.

How is my work helping Indigenous children in my city in CFS who just had more of their funding taken from them by our government? Most of these kids already end up in jail or on the street and their futures just got even harder. This is colonization in action in my city.

We're all connected. Pretending we're not is destroying us.

Once you are aware of your privilege you do have a choice to make:

  • just feel guilty about it and do nothing to change it
  • lean into it so it can keep making your own life better
  • use it to dismantle systemic privilege and create a new culture where we take care of each other.

I know that feels like a big thing. It feels daunting and hopeless like… what can I possibly do?

I wrote the above, and then I sat down with my Dream Book and this was my mantra: I am a portal of possibility.

I had glued it into my journal earlier his week, but I couldn’t journal with it because it felt too far away. I WANTED to be a portal of possibility, but I couldn’t feel it and didn’t want to journal and about how far away this felt.

And that’s when I saw it. The answer to the question: what can I possibly do?

Sit with it.

Process your feelings. Get out of emotional reactivity and into constructive creative thinking.

Make space for the answers.

Because this IS a big thing. It will take all of us.

It's too small for any one of us, but ALL of us getting out there and doing the things we can see to do - can burn this fucking thing down.

When you sit with the questions and make space for the answers... ideas will come.

I just had a great one I'm going to explore this weekend.


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