BE the change you want to see and make the world a better place.

This is the Be The Change section of my blog, where I talk about creating a world that nurtures everyone's dreams, and explore the intersections of colonialism, the patriarchy and white supremacy in the New Age movement/Live Your Best Life Industry.

Online marketing with creativity + integrity in the age of the “boss babe” sleaze-o-rama.

By Andrea Schroeder | April 22, 2019

Online marketing with creativity + integrity in the age of the "boss babe" sleaze-o-rama.

Over the last 2 years, I have been working hard on re-thinking my work and creating a whole new framework for how I help creative people make their dreams real.

This kind of re-imagining takes a LOT of energy. So, for the last 2 years, I have had to pull back on other parts of my business. Most notably: marketing.

Whatever your dream is, there are some parts of it that you LOVE to work on and some parts that you don't love. And, whatever your dream is, your dream NEEDS YOU to take care of it, all parts of it, even the parts you don't like.

AND you can always bring the magic + love you feel for your dreams and use that energy to fuel the more annoying tasks that just need to get done.

So that's what I am trying to do now as I'm taking some time to focus on marketing.

Marketing itself isn't the problem.

Marketing is how you shine your light. It's how you share the message behind your work with the people who want to hear it.

Marketing is actually pretty fun and interesting. I mean you have total freedom to do it however you want. You can make artwork or videos or a podcast... you can create challenges or throw a party.

There is no limit to HOW you can put the word out there and get people excited about your work.

The problem is all of my internal reactions to marketing.

A few months ago I got a long, angry, ranty email from someone who signed up for my free class and then didn't even take the class, unsubscribed from my emails, and then a week later decided to respond to one of the emails I had sent before she unsubscribed.

She was upset her friend who had just become a life coach who seemed to care only about the money as she was trying to get a business started. She said she understood that she doesn't know anything about me or my work but now her whole view of the industry was changed.

She said she couldn't believe in her own dreams anymore.

This week I want to focus on developing and refining my marketing systems.

I have all sorts of ideas I am really excited about.

But then I think about the sleazy side of online marketing and I think about all the people who are just FED UP with being "sold to" and I worry about not getting too close to the gross stuff and "what if someone thinks I'm sleazy?"

And I get all tangled up and working on marking starts to SEEM very sticky and complicated.

Another problem I have is how marketing in the personal growth/life transformation has become so homogeneous.

How we have somehow developed "Standard Ways Everyone Is Supposed To Do Things".

I mean, if I see one more "boss babe" who looks like every other "boss base" with that exact same shade of pink branding that they all have trying to sell me my best life I WILL scream!

BUT then there is this other part of my brain that picks up on this, believe that "this is The Way To Do Business Online" and expects ME to fit in and is quickly judging all of my ideas as being "too different". 

And even though I know with 100% certainty that some of those boss babes are actually lying about their success and using "fake it till you make it" as a business strategy, this part of my brain believes that this is the way to run a successful business!

(This is actually deliberate - a lot of "persuasive marketing techniques" are downright manipulation)

The truth is, we have all the space in the world to do things our own way. Infinite creative possibilities.

So this is my mission right now:

Throw all this junk I am thinking/feeling about online marketing into one of those gold panning things and sift out the sleaze until I am left with little nuggets of goodness, the essence of marketing as the way that I shine the light and invite people into the world of the Creative Dream Incubator (which is a pretty amazing world to be a part of!).

And then use those nuggets IN MY UNIQUE WAY.

I don't have to melt them down to make the same ring everything else is making and then sell it in the same way everyone else is selling it.

I can make something else entirely.

We ALL have that freedom.

Wish me luck!

As terrified as I am by what’s happening in the world, I am believing, more than ever, in the magic and power of our dreams.

By Andrea Schroeder | April 1, 2019

It's a gorgeous Friday in my little corner of the world.

I'm working from bed, with the window open and a vase of fresh cut lilacs on the night stand. I LOVE this time of year when I can keep the window open all day, before it gets too hot for that.

My cat Bear is curled up beside me sleeping. Once in a while he wakes and stretch and I hear a little yawn. Then he goes back to sleep.

I'm drawing. All day. My heart is so happy!

I've got my period last night. Last year I decided to start honouring this time, to slow down and listen better to what my body needs. Make it a sacred retreat.

Today that means: leaving the rest of this week's to-to list for next week, super long meditation this morning, now lying in bed sniffing lilacs, drawing on my iPad while watching Jane the Virgin on netflix. With pizza and salad and honey lattes.

This is artwork I'm currently working on, for the little booklet that will go with my new deck of Journal Cards for Dreamers that I've been working on and hoping to share soon:

your dream is calling



As horrified and terrified as I am by what's happening in the world, I am believing, more than ever, in the magic and power of our dreams.

Between climate change and the rise of white nationalism, my heart is really hurting. And the scarier it all gets, the more we need to let our dreams to guide us. Our dreams are always leads us to what's TRUE and what's NEEDED. Our dreams are who we are here to be.

I'm getting ready to make some changes in the Creative Dream Incubator, because these scary times we're living in DO call for deeper dream support.

I'm creating a new class on developing a DEEP practice for working with your dreams, of making SPACE for your dream.

It will only be available in the Creative Dream Circle, but I will be opening up monthly memberships in the Circle to make it easier for anyone who wants DEEP support to get it.

And I'll be sharing the new Journaling Cards for Dreamers soon-ish.

Plus I've got some other projects underway that I am not quite ready to start talking about just yet.

The world is calling for our dreams, now more than ever. I want to do what I can do help you answer the call.

Let's Get Your Dream!

Start the 10 day Creative Dream Journal Challenge Today:

(I'll also send you my Guided Journal for Creative Dreaming)

Get my free journal for Creative Dreaming:
