Feeling overwhelmed and awkward about some parts of this…

I set a big goal for my business for 2014: to welcome 800 dreamers into my Creative Dream Circle. And to do this not by getting super pushy about selling – but to do this with heart and soul and creativity and joy and LOVE.

(you can read my original post about this here)

In support of this goal, I am writing weekly updates on Fridays, for all of 2014. This is where I’ll share the story of all the ups and downs of bringing a big dream to life.

I do want to keep posting updates every week, even when I don’t have any real news – mostly to show how small steps add up to miracles over time.

It can’t always be exciting.

It’s really about sticking with it day after day.? Sitting down to do the work, day after day.? Doing what you need to do to stay inspired, day after day.

Other people will be inspired and interested when something exciting is happening.

You need to stay inspired and interested even when nothing is happening.

This week I did lots of really great journaling.? Lots of exploring how I want everything in my work life to be.


My focus has been a lot less about how to get to 800 members and more about how can I best use my gifts in service to dreamers.

The answer to that question has always been shifting as I am always growing.

I know the Circle is key because dreams need on-going support, that’s why I want to focus on the Circle instead of focusing on private sessions or e-courses.

I went back to offering private sessions recently because it’s something I LOVE to do and I was inspired to do so, but only on a limited basis – I don’t want that to take up the bulk of my time or energy.

I know DREAMERS are who I am here to serve because I am so passionate in my belief that our dreams come true will save the world.

I am feeling very connected to my passion and purpose and so focusing on business goals doesn’t feel like a huge priority right now.

Not that I am letting this goal go (I’m not!), this is just how I’m feeling about it right now.

I am focused on creating special new treats for Circle members.

There are two ways to grow a business: outward or inward.

Outward as in reaching out and growing your audience.

Inward as in reaching in and serving your people more fully.

You can do both or one or the other.

For a long while my focus was inward as I was building the Circle.? Once the Circle was ready for more members, I thought my focus should shift to outward.

Now I’m thinking no.

I do my best stuff when I’m inward focused.? I feel overwhelmed and awkward about the outward stuff.


Feeling overwhelmed and awkward can be signs of being out of your comfort zone which is part of what you have to do in the process of change.

Feeling overwhelmed and awkward can be signs that what you’re doing just isn’t right for you.

You have to dig deeper into your feelings to know: is what you’re doing aligned with your truth and it’s just awkward to stretch into the next level, or is what you’re doing not quite aligned with your truth?

That’s where I’m at.

I think being outward focused is #2 for me right now – not quite aligned with my truth.? But I could just be trying to bullshit myself because I don’t like being uncomfortable.

As I shared last week, it was liberating to see that being outwards focused for January didn’t result in more sales for January (over last January).? But does that mean being outward focused doesn’t work for me or does that mean I need to give it more time?

These are the kinds of circular thought processes that are a part of building your own path, instead of following someone else’s.

This week I gave away my first guided journal and mandala colouring book: You Are Loved.

This book is a mini version of a series of books I wanted to create.? I put this out there as a test to see if I really do like making these and if anyone is going to care about them.

Delightfully, I LOVED making it and yes people do like it.

So I am working on the first full-sized version which I will be releasing next week.? Ideally, I’d like to make one every month.? They’d be free for Creative Dream Circle members and available for sale on my website.

Plus I just scheduled a streaming video journal party (for Circle members only) to celebrate the first one.? This next book will be out next week and the streaming video playdate will be the following week.

I have a LOT of inspiration and joy and energy for this.

This is being very inward focused which is in my comfort zone.

I’ll keep exploring whether or not this is the right path for me, or if I am just trying to avoid the discomfort of stretching into something new.? My hunch is that I do need to be doing BOTH.


Get the free journal for Creative Dreaming here:
