The Festival of Dreams.
Classes, coaching and challenges to help us all DREAM BIGGER, BRIGHTER AND DEEPER in 2021.
This is happening for all of January!
I'll be offering free mini-classes, guided meditations and coaching calls throughout the month on Instagram Live. (If you're not on Instagram it would be worth it to join for this month.) The replays will be available on my Instagram page.
Everything will be freely available - you don't have to sign up for emails or anything.
The Festival of Dreams is sponsored by Dream Book
Dream Book is the creative mastermind and coaching program that's going to get you to your next level with your dreams - however you want to define that for yourself.
The Festival of Dreams SCHEDULE:
Tuesday, January 5: Naming and Claiming Your Dreams For 2021 at 3 pm (Central, North America) live on Instagram
A meditation and journaling class for naming and claiming your dreams for 2021!
This is for if you DO know what you want and also for if you DON'T know what you want.
Wednesday, January 6: CREATIVE DREAM CHALLENGE: Name and Claim your dreams in a tangible way on Instagram
I'll post the challenge on my Instagram and invite you to comment either to declare your dream right there on my post, or to let us know that you made your own post and to come check it out on your page.
If you make your own post declaring your dreams for 2021 I'll share it to my instagram stories so the whole community can cheer you on.
Thursday, Jan 7: Overcoming resistance and generating creative momentum with special guest Chris Zydel from at 5 pm (Central, North America) live on Instagram
One of the things that is SO COOL about following your dreams is that it helps you find YOUR PEOPLE.
In 2011 I was at a conference - sitting there feeling kind of overwhelmed because it was so loud and so busy and I didn't really know anyone and then - low and behold - I saw Chris Zydel AKA The Wild Heart Queen, and she was coming right towards me. "Sweetie!" she yelled, and gave me a big hug.
I was stunned. Chris was one of my creative heroes, I didn't know that she had any clue who I was! But I was so grateful to meet her and we've been friends and creative collaborators ever since.
We are all in for a real treat with this one!
Wednesday, January 13: Pursuing Your Dream Wholeheartedly When You Don't Have A Clue HOW To Make It Happen And May Even Suspect That It's Impossible at 11 am (Central, North America) live on Instagram
A coaching call where I go over some things you can do when you're in this situation. If you are there live, or leave me a comment about it ahead of time on this page, I will answer your specific questions about this.
Thursday, January 14: How To Pick Which Thing To Work On First at 11 am (Central, North America) live on Instagram
Creative minds will always have more ideas than creative beings have time for!
In this class I'll lead you through a short meditation/alchemy process that helps you figure out which thing to do first. If you're in this situation try to be there live so I can help coach you through this!
Friday, January 15: CREATIVE DREAM CHALLENGE: Take A Step And Then Let's Celebrate It Together!
I'll post the challenge on my Instagram and invite you to comment either to share what step or to let us know that you made your own post and to come check it out on your page. If you make your own post about the step you took I'll share it to my instagram stories.
Or if you just can't think of one (even after watching the coaching session on Wednesday) you can comment about that and I'll help you brainstorm. There is ALWAYS something you can do and together we'll find it!
Tuesday January 19: Art + Creative Dreams + ACTIVISM with Mindy Tsonas Choi of the Be Seen Project at 7 PM Central
Mindy is such an inspiration to me in the field of Craftivism and Art As Activism.
This one is for everyone who is dreaming of a better world for everyone.
When Your Dream Is Your Business And You Want It To Earn More MoneyThursday January 21: When Your Dream Is Your Business And You Want It To Earn More Money at 1 PM Central on Instagram live.
A coaching/idea/strategy video with ideas for ways to GROW your creative dream business. And also how to deal with the inner freakouts that happen when you think about "levelling up".
Wednesday January 27: Bringing More EASE And FLOW Into Your Process at 5 PM Central on Instagram live.
A coaching/idea/strategy video with ideas for ways to make it easier to keep showing up for your dreams.
Thursday January 28: Pursuing Your Dreams While The World (Or Your Life) Is In Chaos at 3 PM Central on Instagram live.
A coaching/idea/strategy video with ideas for staying true to ourselves in the hard times.
Monday Morning Creative Genius Planning Sessions are ongoing during the Festival of Dreams and after.
Join me Monday mornings and we'll map out our weeks together in this LIVE FREE journaling + meditation class, working with creativity, intuition and magic.
It happens Mondays at 10am (Central, North American time) on Instagram.
Follow me, and be on Instagram at the time and and you'll get a notification when I go live.
Or check out the replays on my IGTV video page.

I am working through underearning and need for greater confidence to reach my 2021 goals. I have healed alot around underearning, but still have a ways to go, and I think a lot of the challenge is lack of confidence and belief in myself that I can sell two homes a month. I had my best year in 2020 selling 9 homes, but I really want to stretch and grow in 2021 to 2 homes per month (24 homes). This feels scary, terrifying, and nearly impossible on one hand, and exciting and completely within the scope of what I have the time and energy to do in 2021. I want the confidence and trust in myself (inner voice) to know what to do, how to do, and in what ways I can grow my business from a heart centered, value based place of service. Trust that the right clients who I can best be of service to in helping them buy/sell their home will come to me easily and effortlessly, and that i will know how to reach them and cultivate them. Big scary stuff all this rain making, but I know worth it and necessary to grow my business (which I love doing).
Happy New Year, and thank you for always inspiring me way down here in Oregon.
Happy New Year Georgette! This is a fantastic topic, I’m adding it to my list.
Hey Andrea, this looks great. Congratulations 10yrs 🥳
So I can see that I’ve come to a new level of confidence with my creative work but the organisation needs to go to a new level and this means encountering some outer world challenges (and resistance/ fear of facing them). Like I might have to relate with a load of systems that could be helpful but also feel like they could be very draining and excluding and force my work in a particular direction and I’m unsure if it’s the right way. Is there another way? Which links to the creative activism (see below).
I’m kind of someone who goes from avoidance to overload and working too much so working on finding balance and wholeness and staying connected to purpose feels good.
I feel excited by the creative activism event. I used to do a lot of creative activism but after getting beaten up by the police a couple of times and realising I needed to work on my inner life in order to want to keep going at all I moved away from that. I’d like to do more creative activism and find ways to do that which work for me and include my disability and a need to do other things and pay my bills. Is this possible!?!
Hope this helps, happy new year,
love Alex
Thanks Alex! Ohhhh yes that is a juicy topic about getting to that next level and how that might change your work and if that’s REALLY what you want. Adding that to my list of ideas!
I did have another suggestion too, about balance and wholeness, that feels like an important topic too.
I am also super excited about the activism call. I’m so sorry about what happened to you, that’s terrible! I’m grateful that Mindy agreed to do that art + dreams as activism call with me, she’s a real inspiration to me in that area. But yes I think I have to believe that it’s possible.
My dream, at least today and in recent days, is sleepy, incubating, hibernating, internal, introspective, introverted. My dream is being shy, and seems to need slow, gentle, nurturing energy. A month of festival of dreams sounds wonderful, yet I feel like I’m retreating. I plan to participate in all the festival activities, but…there is just a “but” in there that feels really un-fun.
Yes… that pesky little BUT! I know it well Carol.
We’ll be talking about that in the “Overcoming resistance and generating creative momentum with special guest Chris Zydel from” on Jan 7.