I Make My Own Magic: available in hardcover + coil bound journals, mugs, zipper pouches, stickers, magnets, art prints and more in the Creative Dream Incubator RedBubble shop.
My work this week: do the next thing that feels like magic.
This is from my Dream Status Report from Friday, and the meeting with my dream and the soul of my business that I had there.
I feel like yes - there is this rope that goes from where I am to where I want to be. My dream IS this rope. The soul of my business is holding the other end, making sure it stays sturdy.
I can trust this rope.
Also - the dream IS THE ROPE. Like, being in the process, listening to my heart and intuition, staying connected and doing the little things I can do each day - THIS is the dream. Not the destination, which is my business goals, which is connected, but the dream itself is to enjoy this creative process.
Do the next thing that feels like magic. But I am conflicted about actually DOING this.
This is a challenge to some parts of me! Like - shouldn't I do the thing that makes sense?
Right now, what feels like magic is sewing.
But, since I am feeling better, shouldn't I get to work? There are so many things I wanted to do last week that I didn't do.
So I invite in my dream and the soul of my business (using the processes from the Dream Lab + Creative Business Incubator classes).
Girl?! What are you doing! We gave you clear instructions.
I know you did, but...
I am really conflicted though. I need your help here. I was sick and all these things didn't get done last week, I want to do the things.
Yes. You WILL do those things. But does doing those things RIGHT NOW feel like magic?
The dream is not about getting to the finish line as fast as possible. There are ways of thinking/feeling/seeing/BEING that are so much more important than the speed of how things happen. To be in alignment with us, you need to do the next thing that feels like magic. Your work right now is learning to prioritize this. I know you know you can trust your dream but - act like it.
Oh wow. ALL of my conditioning from living in this world is telling me to catch up on work. But if I am going to TRUST MY DREAM and TRUST MY MAGIC actually I need to sew.
Yes. It's that simple.
It doesn't feel simple at all but I get that it IS simple.
You ARE going to do those other things but actually - even though you ARE recovered enough to do the work, technically, you are not received enough to have the energy you need to do it in the most aligned/inspired way. You know what I mean by that. You need to work from that deeper connection to your dream and your Dream Self. You don't have the energy to do THAT today.
Yeah. I get it. Thank you for explaining it more clearly. I know you are right AND I have so much conditioning around getting caught up.
Sewing IS the next magical thing. I am going to do that this morning.
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