How DELIGHT Can Rev Up Your Superpowers


1. Which is delight: how delighting in your dreams helps give you the energy and enthusiasm you need to make them happen. Delight can fuel you up and fill you up, so you become BIGGER than the obstacles in your way.

2. And it?s also deLIGHT: how your dream is how you shine your light out into the world and exploring what kinds of things can help you do that more effectively.

Your dream is your dream for a reason.?

That reason is so jam-packed with delight it it can power the lights that light up the path that leads to your dream come true.? Shining your light out into the world is what you came here to do, it’s a basic part of everyone’s programming.


And the ways we react to that terror are fascinating.? We block the light, we turn away from the light, we pretend we don’t have as much light as we do – all while desperately searching for ways to shine our light more brightly.

Creativity = shining your unique light into the world.

It we were just blocking/avoiding/ignoring our light (like most of the world is doing right now) we would go numb and settle into lives that don’t quite fit and accept that this is the best it gets.

When you’re blocking/avoiding/ignoring (and we’re all doing this on some level) while at the same time trying to bring a creative project to light it’s like two opposing energies colliding.

I want it so bad.

But I’m scared.

But I’m ready.

But I’m not, really. I mean – who am I do to this?

But I am ready! I want this so bad!

But I’m scared.


Depending how conscious or unconscious this all is, you may actually recognize this conversation or you may just find that you really want to do something but no matter how you try it just doesn’t work out the way you wanted it to.


It’s really hard to hold intense energies that are moving in the opposite direction from each other.? But this is the path of bringing a big dream to life: Dealing with the fears, freak-outs and stucks while growing your Creative Genius.

This inner work stuff is so hard sometimes.


On March 3 I am running a Virtual Playdate (AKA How To Fill Your Life With So Much Magic It Actually Sparkles).

The theme will be: deLIGHT

This is where you imagine me grinning like an idiot.? I am still slightly stunned and amazed by my Playdates.? I have been running them monthly in my Creative Dream Circle since September and very month they deliver: magic, miracles and life-changing shifts in perspective.

Playdates are filled with:

Creativity. Play. Gleeeeful Explorations.

Looking inside for direction, guidance and fuel.

Exploring ways to trust those inner messages.

Opening up new layers of what is really true, for you.

Figuring out how to apply all of this to how you live your life.


Surprising True Fact: With the right approach, you can actually play your inner work better than you can work on your inner work.

Ready? Let’s play!

Registration: $37 (US)

We shall Playdate On March 3, starting at 11am Central (click here to find out what time this is in your time zone).? It will be 3 hours long and include 4 phone calls, with breaks in between for playdating on your own.

It’s amazing if you can be there live, but people do report having just as much success working with the recordings.? You’ll still love this, even if you can’t be there live.

Registration includes:

  • access to the live calls and recordings of the calls
  • four Playdate workbooks playbooks

You’ll leave the Playdate with:

  • a new understanding of how delight can rev up your superpowers
  • clarity about what your dream needs right now
  • unique + effective ideas for how to make the path to your dream more delight-full and less scary

?What you need:

  • phone line and computer to access the calls, hear the recordings and download the playbooks
  • journal and whatever art supplies feel fun for you
  • three uninterrupted hours (or you can break it up into segments and playdate over a couple of days or weeks)

I hope you’ll join me, I’d love to play with you.

I might offer another playdate in the future but I never do the same one twice.? So if this speaks to you, join me now!

Questions? Check out my policies page.

PS: If you want access to regular Playdates and Teleclasses at a lower price, (plus a ton of extra stuff like my Creative Business Incubator and Advanced Creative Badassery Resource Library and an ongoing private forum) you are welcome to join the Creative Dream Circle.

If you are already a member of the Creative Dream Circle don?t register for this playdate! You get it all free in the Circle, of course.


Get the free journal for Creative Dreaming here:
