I feel like my creative dreams have been blown open by love and possibility.

I want to write an update and tell you everything that is happening with my Summer of Dreams project but I can’t.

Last night I was reading Deepak Chopra (OMG! Reading up in my loft! With the pink sparkly walls and the twinkle lights twinkling! And the cool summer breeze! Perfection!) and he talked about how our bodies need to metabolize learnings before they can become really true for us, before they can change us and our lives.

That’s what I’m doing – metabolizing.

I’m not at the part where I can explain it all clearly, I’m still marinating in it.

I’m still having the most beautiful summer, ever.? I’m still taking my dreams and my creative journals to the beach and the park.

And I’m getting a really surprising amount of work done.

This is the Creative Dream Office I set up this morning:

I’m savouring the lushness of summer and letting the summer-ness of it nourish me and my dreams.

And I’m still working through both Creative Journal Magic and the Creative Dream Incubator.? Slowly but surely.

I feel like my creative dreams have been blown open by love and possibility.

And that’s all I can really say about it right now.


Get the free journal for Creative Dreaming here:
