New Class: Growth, Chaos + Change. Following your flow in your creative business.

Growth, Chaos + Change: Following your own flow in your business

You're in your business for the long haul. Which means your business needs to move with you through life's changes.

You're going to grow, you're going to make different choices and choose to change, you're going to experience sudden unexpected change, life will be chaotic at times - in your personal life and the world around you and in your business!

On top of all that - you're doing business in late stage capitalism, during a global pandemic, while facing catastrophic climate change. It's a bit much sometimes.

Facing change in business - whether you decide to make a change or change is foisted upon you - can feel really scary and uncertain. But it's in these moments that I believe we have the best access to new possibilities.

These times force you out of routine and into a new level of trusting your creative flow.

And that's where you find your creative magic - that inner POWER to create your outer life in alignment with your (ever-evolving) inner truth.

The Growth, Chaos + Change: Following your own flow in your Business class is happening on May 13.

This is for everyone who is in Dream Book, my ongoing creative dream course + mastermind.

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