Update 42: Expanding Capacity To Hold The Dream


I’ve been having a hard time with fall,? and because of that I am trying to be more conscientious about enjoying and appreciating fall.? So far I’m having these pockets of loving fall, and pockets of being sad about summer coming to an end.

Right now I’m curled up in my orange velour sweatpants, drinking a lavender tea latte and kind of in love with the gifts of cooler weather.

I’m also in love with that productivity energy that sweeps in in September.? This was a big week.

A few weeks ago in my updates I was talking about meeting the dragon and getting to know the dragon and how it can help me be more powerful.? The dragon was helping me get bigger and see things from a bigger perspective, including thinking bigger about my work and my dreams.

I feel like I have gotten a lot better at the art of being really happy and satisfied and grateful where I am while also look forward to what’s next and being excited about bigger dreams.? That’s pretty cool.? I can play with the dragon without having that mean that I’m not 100% happy right where I am.

This week I moved the Creative Dream Circle to a new website.

This move was the solution to a myriad of big and small issues I had been having and it feels amazing to have all of that solved.

Ultimately, when I set the Creative Dream Circle up on a Ning site, Ning was making all sorts of problems about what was coming soon with their new platform, and those promises just didn’t pan out and the features I wanted just didn’t show up and the site was not as user-friendly as promised.

At the same time, some of my back-end integrations were no longer integrating smoothly.

There are about a million options for anything you want to do online, so I took my time exploring, I checked in with my intuition and the heart and soul of my business and the heart and soul of Creative Dream Circle about the best way to support the Circle members and me and my business and one solution became very clear: to move everything to Simplero.

It feels like moving from a tiny apartment into a big house.? There’s room to grow my family here.

This is how I am growing my capacity.

Dreams and capacity work hand in hand.? You have to have the capacity to hold what you want before you’re going to be able to hold it.

Your dream loves you.? If the weight of it will crush you, it won’t come to you. You need to grow your muscles and build your capacity to hold it first.

I’ve done a lot of muscle building and capacity growing this year.? I feel like I have steadily increased my capacity and as I’ve done that, the Circle has steadily grown.

Steady steps win the race. I’m feeling very much on track and happy with how everything is going.

PS: The Mandala Class starts inside the Creative Dream Circle on Monday!

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