This is who I am and what I stand for.

I am an artist.? My canvas is my life.

My tools are adventure, play, possibility, love, deep healing work, transformation, authentic power, glee, creativity, connection to spirit, expression of purpose and being a ray of light.

Also: journals, rainbows, crystals and mineral spas.

It’s important to me to live my life in a way that feels true to who I am and to contribute what I feel I am here to contribute.?

This is more important to me than anything.? More important than finding a partner, having babies or making a million dollars.? I can do without pretty much anything else, but if I didn’t have this I would wither and die.

Even before I had the tools to be able to do this effectively, I was still practically allergic to seeing people hiding their true selves.? They mirrored the places where I didn’t know how to not compromise and it made me itchy and uncomfortable.

I stand for being who I am and supporting others in the process of becoming who they are.

I believe this, and only this, will save the world.

When you can be who you are you have access to infinite wisdom, infinite strength, infinite creativity, infinite love, infinite inner power and infinite ingenuity…. when you can be who you are anything is possible, in a tangible way.? And anything that harms or belittles? anyone or anything else just seems like a stupid waste of time.?

When you can be who you are you become a light.? Most of the world is in shadow right now.? When most of the world is in light – things will change.

So when I talk about making your dreams real I am talking about changing the world.? One awakened creative being at a time.

I just read this blog post and it inspired me to write out who I am and what I stand for.

PS: I’m hosting an amazing playdate this weekend and you’re invited! Read more + register here.

Get my free journal for Creative Dreaming:
