Creative Dream Journal Playdate #2: The Center of Your Creative Power (Boundaries, Sovereignty & Harnessing the Power to Create Your World)

Today! Tuesday, Jan 14 at 2PM (Central, North America).


The Center of Your Creative Power (Boundaries, Sovereignty & Harnessing the Power to Create Your World) is something that I have a LOT to say about.? And it came up during our first playdate so I wanted to dive into it a little deeper with you guys.

If you reading this in your email or on the front page of my blog click here so you can see the video below.

Just bring your journal and your dream ? art supplies optional.

You can click here to watch directly on Spreecast.? If you’re watching live, I encourage you to participate by typing your thoughts and questions into the chat box. ? You do have to create a free Spreecast account and be logged in if you want to participate.? You do NOT have to be logged in to watch it right here:

If you missed Playdate #1 catch the replay here.
