Feeling full of possibility, magic and power as a practice

I’m practicing feeling full of possibility, magic and power this week.

I was practicing over the weekend and have had some AMAZING experiences with it.

I shared it in the Co-Dreaming Call this week - check it out on the replay!

But I’m not feeling it today. I had a frustrating conversation with my husband and I'm a bit crabby.

What do I do from here?

I could blame my husband for “making me” feel the way I feel right now and spiral into resentment and then get really mad that I don’t feel the way I feel.

And I do take this option sometimes, but that's not what I want to do today.

How do I get back to where I want to be?

There are so many techniques for forcing yourself into a specific thought. I’m not into any of that - though at one time I found that work helpful.

What I want today is to have the space and grace to be where I am.

I WAS feeling full of possibility, magic and power. I’m dreaming of feeling that way again. What I AM feeling now is:




Hmmmm. I mean I knew I was cold, but now, really being with my feelings, I realize I am too cold.

It was cool overnight and it’s heating up so I am dressed for warmer weather than I am in. Then the tables at the park all got power washed and are still wet so I came inside for a bit and I think they have air conditioning on?

I'm actually really uncomfortable. I should go outside and sit in the sun.

Then I just have: tired and fuzzy. How do I take care of these?

I think both would be best taken care of with some journaling… I have a bunch of paint pens with me I can write this new practice in my weekly planner and see if that helps me get into the creative flow, which is not far away from possibility, magic and power.

Update: YES this all worked. I didn't feel SUPER CHARGED EXTRA FULL of possibility, magic and power but I took a baby step towards it and that's enough.

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