Following ALL rabbit holes

We are doing the 30 day journaling + meditation invitation for the month of August. An explanation of this project is here. I'll be posting an update here every day (M-F) for the month of August and I'm also doing short videos on Instagram to share things I am learning along the way.\

And check out the new Creative Dream Incubator RedBubble shop! THE MOST encouraging notebooks, zipper pouches, mugs, magnets, stickers + art prints.

On Day One I talked about making space to follow ALL of the rabbit holes.

By showing up every day, contemplating the theme, following the rabbit holes that pop up for you and taking notes, you will find the things you need to see.

Because what comes to mind for you the first time you sit and think about this theme is very different from what comes to mind for you after you’ve been sitting with it for three weeks.

At some point you will narrow in on THE THING that you really need to look at right now. That doesn’t mean I’ll definitely get there within 30 days, but if you keep this up it will happen. This is how daily practice works.

I am narrowing in on THE THING for me to look at: the way I work.

I’m noticing HOW I am working.

Slow or fast.

Pressured or playful.

Meeting deadlines or following my own flow.

And the big one:

Creating to prove my worth or creating to express my creativity.

Am I trying to create a thing that makes people think I’m great? Am I trying to delight myself?

Am I really into how it feels to express myself and make this idea into a real thing? Or am I really into how it feels to be proud of my work, to feel accomplished and talented?

And where do I want these boundaries to be?

The work is for someone else, after all. This isn’t my personal sketchbook or into a of our practice I’m talking about here. This is how approach my creative work projects..

Which are a big part of how I make my living...

Which makes very easy for people pleasing, fear, and self doubt to infect my creative flow.

I have gotten very good is staying curious about these things when they show up, and offering love and safety to the parts of me who need it while taking creative risks of not letting this all of us get in my way like it used to.


What if there are lighter and more playful and more delightful ways to approach the work that leave less space for people-pleasing, self doubt and fear to even enter the room?

What if "slowing down" means slowing down the way  my fears and self doubt try to slow down my projects?

Following ALL rabbit holes


Get the free journal for Creative Dreaming here:
