Just as I was putting the final touches on the New + Improved Creative Dream Circle? – she demanded a whole new website.? She’s all “Oh no you’re not putting me on that old thing!”
My old website was cute when I made it, but no longer reflected who I am or where I’m at or just how much magic you can expect when you play with me.? It’s like my old website was dimming the light of the Creative Dream Circle, so I needed to fix that.
So here it is.? My new website.
And – even better – here’s my new Creative Dream Circle.
(Please check it out!)
Happy Sighs All Around.
The new Circle is amazing.? A huge improvement over the old one (which I loved very much too!) and….
drumroll please….
it’s even more affordable now.
The Creative Dream Incubator is no longer the pre-requisite for the Creative Dream Circle.? (Though it’s still amazing and highly recommended, of course)
When I started the Circle is was a space to play with the tools of Creative Dream Incubation – so it didn’t make sense to open it up to people who didn’t have the Incubator.
The new Circle is, well, new.? Totally different.? And filled with its own amazing tools for living your magic.? So you can use them with or without the Creative Dream Incubator.
These new tools?? HOLY CRAP I am still a little stunned by how amazing they are.? Happy happy sighs!
PS: The new Creative Dream Circle helps dreamers make their dreams real – easier, faster + funner.? If you know of any brilliant creative geniuses who are ready to make their dreams REAL – please send them this page!? Thank you.