How do we end this?

We are doing the 30 day journaling + meditation invitation for the month of August. An explanation of this project is here. I'll be posting an update here every day (M-F) for the month of August and I'm also doing short videos on Instagram to share things I am learning along the way.\

Bear the Life Coach has the right idea - he's not even reading the book "How To Do Nothing" (which is amazing!) he's just leaning on it.

Today is the final day of 30 days of meditation + journaling on the theme: Slow the fuck down! BE as creative, powerful and magnetic as you ARE.

How do we end this?

On the one hand, we don't. I know I am definitely NOT speeding the fuck back up!

And on the other hand, I definitely want to stop using "Slow the fuck down! BE as creative, powerful and magnetic as you ARE" as the theme of my daily practice. My usual theme is just... working with my dream, meeting myself where I am and navigating my next steps. And I really do want to get back to that.

The most important thing I know about this:

I want "the version of me who IS as creative, powerful, and magnetic as I AM" (not pushing myself to be more and not pretending I am less) as an ally as I continue my work.

I want this part of me to have voting rights on my decisions.

This version of me is not ALL of who I am. But it is a part of me who can help guide me with the next part of my path.

This is ending at the PERFECT time. I am starting a new transition.

My husband moved out of the Dream Loft 1.5 years ago, for many reasons. At that time, I didn't see him ever moving back in here, though I saw us living together somewhere else at some point in the future.

Our first year living apart we definitely needed that space. We were in couples therapy and we created a much more emotionally close relationship - like we both just needed room to breath in order to create the relationship we wanted.

And then - and this is still a surprise to me - we both started wanting for him to move back to the loft.

BUT with some big changes made to the loft itself.

Which is what we are starting to work on now: adding a new wall to create a new bedroom downstairs, which means the upstairs former-bedroom loft is now my creative studio. With a twin bed in it, for napping and any time either of us wants a bit more space I can sleep up here.

The new downstairs bedroom is in the part of the loft that has 2 storey tall walls, and we're hanging beams over the bed to hang plants from. It's going to be small, but SO dreamy.

We're also arranging everything else, adding more kitchen storage + built-ins in the living room area, getting rid of "stuff" and getting everything more organized.

AND painting murals.

It started with an idea for a mural on the new wall we are adding to make the bedroom - a simple 2 colour super-calm kind of mural.

And now I have ideas for multiple murals upstairs in my studio, and on those 2 storey walls.

But first - de-constructing my former office space, lots of shopping, building the new spaces, purging, and organizing.

My husband has 2 weeks off work, so we are working on the bulk of all of this right now. Which is what I mean by "perfect timing"

After this month of exploring slowing down and connecting with this part of me - now I dive into the work of creating the space for my next level, in both my personal and creative lives.

Of course I'll keep blogging out here - just not every day. And I'll keep sharing the behind-the-scenes of my daily practice - inside Dream Book 

How do we end this?

Get my free journal for Creative Dreaming:
