The puzzle is too small or the pieces are too many

We’re on Module There of the Creative Dream Incubator in the Creative Dream Circle which is Expression: The Magic + Sparkle of Making Dreams Real.? Creating space in our lives so the dreams have somewhere to grow into.

The first few weeks of the Incubator is about tending to the more invisible aspects of creative dreaming, working on your relationship with your dream and your relationship with possibility and magic, so that those relationships are strong enough to bring the dream to life.? In all of that, two dreams came to the forefront for me but many others are right behind them.

And my relationship with each one of them is AHmazing.? And I can’t wait for them to be here!

But when I step back and look at the whole, look at where and how I can fit all these different things into my life it’s all GAH.


So I sat with the GAH to discover what it has to teach me and here it is:

I am being stretched, so that I can contain all of these dreams at once.? It’s ok that I don’t know how it all fits yet because I am in the process of being stretched and I won’t be able to see that until I am stretched enough for it.? And then *pouf* everything will make sense and everything will fit.

The message is for me to be ok with not knowing.

Which makes me want to GAH again but instead I’m taking a deep breath and reminding myself that every time I have been in a place of not-knowing that has lead me to something new – bigger, better, brighter, whatever.? If I never go into that place of not-knowing I never get to experience anything new.? If I never allow myself to be stretched I never get to have more.

And the GAH is now is a hug filled with comfort and reassurance and familiarity and trust.

And when I step back and look at the whole instead of that GAH of not being able to see how it all fits I see a lot of fog and mystery.? Before it felt like it can’t all fit and now it feels like it does all fit – I just can’t see how.? But I trust the fog and I trust the mystery so now it’s exciting to watch and find out how it’s all going to fit.

If you're ready to make your dream real, I am here to help.  Click here for my Creative Dream Incubator.

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